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HnA .No. 201.7-23, HRC•.Nq.,2017; 22 <br />HPPA " Nd�, 2017-28 <br />Octobe'r-5,.2017 <br />0 a' g' 6, �'3 .' <br />The p'r6perty has no identified unauthorized modifications and is preserved ,in L its.origin'bI condition, <br />Upon consideration of the application, it is: rec'ommerdbd'that:thL-City enter into 6,Historic Propbrty <br />Preservation Agre,Qrfi�-3nt,.. I — . <br />*t'U-6116 N'o-ti'ftat . ion, <br />The subject site it loca-f6d within. he Floral Park 'NelgfjbolloodAssociaton' bOLnI i . ales. . The. <br />id. <br />pre-siddrit 61f,tlil-s'neIbhbb.ehobd association was n6t,ifici,d'by!miill-10-days .Orior to this public hearing_ <br />In addition, '�ing,Ihii _c: <br />on, th6 project �ski was pogtbd �vith. a notire,adVbrlj public hearing, a notice -Wais-, <br />publi's'liiid in the Or*ar�g6IC60ty'Repiortdr and mail6diproperty'dwriers Wjthin. <br />-500 feet oi`Ah6,Ip'roject site. AtIhb,-bib6j&f' this Od I nt . i . h . 0, n boirespon ence;, either i <br />ither wntteh,or <br />electronic, had been rec6lVed from any. mem6&s'of tt%io:bublid. <br />- dlEdA,Compliance <br />In -accordance with the.13blifotia Envirohm6htal,Qtjblity Act, :th& recommend6d actions, are, exempt <br />from Jurther . review under,,Section 15331,.biats-•M', as-th'e§e- , ac . tbns.�6-re ide'si ned to, <br />Illitdric resource. Categorical Exernption'No; ER -2017-113 will be filed fbr,thls.proje6t. <br />Siratbck Plan Alignment <br />Approval of this item supports the City 8, efforts to. meet GoalNo' 5 Community Health, <br />Engagement.,& SustainabilAy, Objective No: 2 (expand bppoirtunilies; 'for conservatiori ;and' <br />envirdn mental, sustainability) . "and Objective3 -.e diverse. ho - using opportun - itles-and <br />No. (facilitate <br />support efforts to Orese.rve and improve" thell,lyability of Santa -Aha neighborh.ob.ds). <br />Mandel ,J. Escarnilla <br />:Plan- nifig'Assistant <br />WE:jm' <br />SMIQ2017AIZZ4 1.4 R.v�ibdo <br />Exhi6its 1. 600' Radiu's Map <br />2. <br />'Department of f Parks 6nd.kedreatibri'Form <br />3. Mills Act Agreement, <br />25A-77 <br />