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Section 6: Section 18-617.3 of Article XIII of Chapter 18 of the Santa Ana <br />Municipal Code is hereby amended to read in full as follows: <br />Sec. 18-617.3. - Medical marijuana collective—Regulatory permit annual renewal. <br />(a) Applications for the renewal of a permit shall be filed with the Director of the <br />Planning and Building Agency or designee at least sixty (60) calendar days before <br />the expiration of the current permit. Temporary permits will not be issued. Any <br />permittee allowing his or her permit to lapse or which permit expired during a <br />suspension shall be required to submit a new registration application and pay the <br />corresponding original application fees. <br />(b) Any person desiring to obtain a renewal of his/her respective permit shall file a <br />written application under penalty of perjury on the required form with the chief of <br />police who shall conduct an investigation. The application shall be accompanied by <br />a nonrefundable filing fee established by separate resolution of the city council to <br />help defray the cost of the investigation required by this article. An applicant shall be <br />required to update the information contained in his/her original permit application <br />and provide any new and/or additional information as may be reasonably required <br />by the Director of the Planning and Building Agency or designee in order to <br />determine whether said permit should be renewed. <br />Section 7: Section 18-620 of Article XIII of Chapter 18 of the Santa Ana <br />Municipal Code is hereby amended to read in full as follows: <br />Sec. 18-620. - Compliance with this article and state law. <br />(a) It is unlawful for any person to: <br />(i) Cause, permit or engage in the cultivation, possession, distribution <br />or giving away of marijuana, or <br />(ii) Own establish, operate, use or permit the establishment or <br />operation of a medical marijuana collective or cooperative, or to participate <br />as an employee, contractor, agent, responsible person or volunteer of a <br />collective or cooperative, except as provided in this article, and pursuant <br />to any and all other applicable local and state laws. <br />(iii) The prohibition in subsection (ii) above includes, renting, leasing, or <br />otherwise permitting a medical marijuana business to occupy or use a <br />location, vehicle, or other mode of transportation. <br />(b) It is unlawful for any person to cause, permit or engage in any activity <br />related to medical marijuana except as provided in Health and Safety Code <br />Ordinance No. NS -XXX <br />Page 10 of 19 <br />11D-12 <br />