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(9) If the Medical Marijuana Collective is a corporation, a certified copy of the <br />Collective's Secretary of State Articles of Incorporation, Certificate(s) of <br />Amendment, Statement(s) of Information and a copy of the Collective's Bylaws; <br />(10)lf the Medical Marijuana Collective is an unincorporated association, a copy of <br />the Articles of Association; <br />(11)The name and address of the applicant's current agent for Service of Process; <br />(12)A copy of the applicant's Board of Equalization Seller's Permit; <br />(13)A copy of the Medical Marijuana Collective Operating Standards, listed in <br />section 18-613, containing a statement dated and signed by the responsible <br />party on-site stating under penalty of perjury, that they read, understand and <br />shall ensure compliance with the aforementioned operating standards. <br />(b) The Director of the Planning and Building Agency or designee shall have sixty (60) <br />calendar days in which to investigate the application and background of the <br />applicant. The department of building safety and housing, the fire department and <br />the Orange County Health Department shall inspect the premises proposed to be <br />devoted to the collective establishment and shall make separate recommendations <br />to the Director of the Planning and Building Agency or designee or designee <br />concerning compliance with the foregoing provisions. <br />(c) The Director of the Planning and Building Agency or designee, after receiving the <br />application and aforementioned recommendations, shall grant the permit if s/he <br />finds: <br />(1) The required fee has been paid. <br />(2) The application conforms in all respects to the provisions of this article. <br />(3) The applicant has not knowingly made a material misrepresentation in the <br />application. <br />(4) The applicant has fully cooperated in the investigation of the application. <br />(5) The applicant has not had a regulatory safety permit or other similar license or <br />permit denied or revoked for cause by this city or any other City located in or <br />out of this state within the five (5) years prior to the date of application. <br />(6) The collective as proposed by the applicant would comply with all applicable <br />laws including, but not limited to, health, zoning, fire and safety requirements. <br />(7) The applicant has demonstrated compliance with the California Department of <br />Justice, Office of the Attorney General, "Guidelines for the Security and Non - <br />Diversion of Marijuana Grown for Medical Use" standards. <br />(d) Failure of an applicant listed on the RSP Eligibility List to obtain a Certificate of <br />Occupancy within six (6) months of submitting a completed RSP application will <br />result in disqualification from the RSP Eligibility List and Waitlist. This sub -section <br />applies to RSP applications submitted after April 5, 2016. <br />Ordinance No. NS -XXX <br />Page 9 of 19 <br />11D-11 <br />