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(g) The property shall provide an air treatment system with sufficient odor absorbing <br />ventilation and exhaust systems so that odor generated inside the location is not <br />detected outside the building, anywhere on adjacent property or public rights-of- <br />way, or within any other unit located within the same building as the collective if the <br />use only occupies a portion of a building. <br />(h) A collective shall only dispense medical marijuana to qualified patients and their <br />caregivers as defined by California Health and Safety Code § 11362.5 (Proposition <br />215). This shall include possession of an original valid doctor's recommendation, <br />not more than one (1) year old, for medical marijuana use by the patient. <br />(i) A collective shall notify patrons of the following both verbally and through posting of <br />a sign in a conspicuous location: <br />(1) Use of medical marijuana shall be limited to the patient identified on the doctor's <br />recommendation. Secondary sale, barter or distribution of medical marijuana is <br />a crime and can lead to arrest. <br />(2) That loitering on and around the collective site is prohibited by California Penal <br />Code § 647(e) and that patrons must immediately leave the site and not <br />consume medical marijuana in the vicinity of the collective or on the property or <br />in the parking lot. <br />(3) Forgery of medical documents is a felony crime. <br />(4) A warning that patrons may be subject to prosecution under federal marijuana <br />laws. <br />(5) That the use of medical marijuana may impair a person's ability to drive a motor <br />vehicle or operate machinery. <br />(j) A collective shall not provide marijuana to any individual in an amount not <br />consistent with personal medical use. <br />(k) All agents, private security officers or other persons acting for or employed by a <br />collective shall display a laminated identification badge at least 2" x 2" in size, <br />issued by the collective. The badge, at a minimum, shall include the collective's <br />"doing business as" name and license number, the employee's first and last name, <br />and a color photo of the employee that shows the full front of the employee's face. <br />(1) No one under twenty-one (21) years of age shall be permitted to enter <br />establishment, unless such person is a qualified patient and is accompanied by his <br />or her primary caregiver, licensed attending physician, parent(s) or documented <br />legal guardian. <br />(m) A collective shall provide the name and phone number of an on-site staff person to <br />the police department and the Code Enforcement Division of the Planning and <br />Building Agency for notification if there are operational problems with the <br />establishment. <br />(n) Each collective owner, operator(s) and employees shall complete a criminal <br />background check and wear a visible photo ID at all times during operating hours. <br />Ordinance No. NS -XXX <br />Page 6 of 19 <br />11 D-8 <br />