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Owners, operator(s), employees, managers or volunteers may not have been <br />convicted of, or pleaded guilty/no-contest to a felony or misdemeanor drug charge <br />within the past four (4) years; nor shall they be a person required to register as a <br />controlled substance offender pursuant to Health & Safety Code section 11590. <br />(o) Marijuana shall not be grown or cultivated at collective sites, except that cuttings of <br />the marijuana plant may be kept or maintained on-site for distribution to qualified <br />patients and primary caregivers as follows: <br />(1) The cuttings shall not be utilized by a collective as a source for the provision of <br />marijuana for consumption on-site, however, upon provision to a qualified <br />patient or primary caregiver, that person may use the cuttings to cultivate <br />marijuana plants off-site for their own use and they may also return marijuana <br />from the resulting mature plant for distribution by the collective. <br />(2) For the purposes of this paragraph, the term "cutting" shall mean a rootless <br />piece cut from a marijuana plant, which is no more than six (6) inches in length, <br />and which can be used to grow another plant in a different location. <br />(p) A collective shall comply with applicable provisions of the California Health and <br />Safety Code §§ 11362.5 through 11362.83, inclusive. <br />(q) If food is distributed, the collective shall comply with all relevant state laws and city <br />and/or County ordinances pertaining to the preparation, distribution and sale of <br />food. <br />(r) The location, interior and exterior, shall be monitored at all times by web -based <br />closed-circuit television for security purposes. The camera and recording system <br />must be of adequate quality, color rendition and resolution to allow the ready <br />identification of any individual committing a crime anywhere on or adjacent to the <br />location. The recordings shall be maintained for a period of not less than ninety (90) <br />days. The police department may request the recordings in connection with an <br />investigation. If the recordings are not voluntarily provided, the police department <br />may seek a warrant or court order for the recordings. <br />(s) The location shall have a centrally -monitored fire and burglar alarm system which <br />shall include all perimeter entry points and perimeter windows and the building or <br />the portion of the building where the collective is located shall contain a fire -proof <br />safe or fire -proof filing cabinet and include a safety and security plan. <br />(t) Reserved. <br />(u) Reserved. <br />(v) If the collective operator is not the owner of the property where the collective is to <br />operate, the operator shall provide evidence that the property owner(s) consent to <br />the operation of a collective on the property. <br />(w) Collectives must obtain and maintain a valid City business license at all times as a <br />condition for receiving, renewing, and maintaining their regulatory safety permit. <br />Ordinance No. NS -XXX <br />Page 7 of 19 <br />11 D-9 <br />