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FULL PACKET_2017-12-05
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2017-12-05
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12/5/2017 9:18:42 AM
Creation date
11/30/2017 7:29:56 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Jose Rea, resident of Madison Park neighborhood, shares letters written by the Health & <br />Neighborhood Alliance, in support of installing security cameras in the parks. He believes all the <br />parks in the City need to be made safer, before adding additional parks. He also comments on <br />Mariscos Hector, by stating he does not support an expansion of their liquor license. <br />Connie Hamilton, concerned constituent, requests an update from the Police Department on the <br />body worn camera program. She also inquires about the status of a customer service survey of <br />the Police Department's response times and overall service, as this idea was once proposed but <br />hasn't come to fruition. Ms. Hamilton also comments on fireworks, asking they be made illegal, <br />and shares her gratitude for action taken to address the CA Lodge. Lastly, Ms. Hamilton suggests <br />OCFA implement a plan for residents to use FRS radios to communicate, in case of emergency. <br />AGENDAITEMS <br />1. Approval of Minutes from July 11, 2017 Meeting. <br />2. Update on Recommended Accessory Dwelling Unit Ordinance — Candida Neal, Planning <br />and Building {Strategic Plan No. 5, 3) <br />Planning Manager Candida Neal addressed the Council Committee with an update on a draft <br />ordinance for accessory dwelling units, in response to community members' input during the <br />initial ordinance update period of late 2016 thru early 2017. She discussed the issues of parking, <br />lack of open space, and overcrowding and provided criteria and standards to address each issue. <br />While the state law says that criteria should not be related to parking, an exemption can be made <br />for accessory dwelling units, within half a mile of public transit, to not be required to have <br />parking provided. Manager Neal explains that the City can specifically define "public transit" to <br />limit where the exemption would apply. She gives suggestions of standards that would ensure <br />ample open space, and states there are sufficient water and sewer resources to support accessory <br />dwelling units. Candida also addressed the concern of insufficient police services, stating that <br />while the issue has been discussed, restrictions cannot be made that would inhibit the <br />development of new accessory dwelling units, and that therefore criteria for police services needs <br />to be researched further. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS (pertaining to Item No. 2) <br />2 <br />13A-10 <br />
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