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FULL PACKET_2017-12-05
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City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2017-12-05
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11/30/2017 7:29:56 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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Nancy Lutz, resident of Washington Square neighborhood, comments on the development of <br />accessory dwelling units in the City, sharing her concern about insufficient services. She <br />suggests that the ordinance require unit occupants be the owners. <br />Susan Van Der Roest, resident of Washington Square neighborhood, shares her concerns about <br />public safety. Given the lack of officers and delay in response to calls for service, Ms. Van Der <br />Roest suggests that public safety be more strongly considered. She also suggests asking the State <br />of California for an extension in drafting the ordinance, to allow more time for community input. <br />Ginelle Hardy, resident of Hedinger Park shares her appreciation of the draft, but seeks <br />clarification about whether the permitted detached unit is required to be within the residence or <br />free-standing. Ms. Hardy also inquires further about exemptions. <br />Mary Thornton, resident of Wilshire Square, requests additional time for community input, and <br />agrees with comments made by other speakers. Ms. Thornton adds that, to ensure privacy, <br />neighbors should be allowed review applications prior to a unit being approved. She inquires <br />about illegal units and minimum lot size. <br />Tom Lutz, City Liaison of Washington Square, inquires about the necessary sense of urgency in <br />creating the ordinance, -as he was never informed in meetings. He also requests that City staff <br />provide the Washington Square neighborhood association a presentation about the development <br />of accessory dwelling units, to properly inform residents. <br />Manager Neal provides a response to public comments, stating that the units are required to be <br />owner -occupied, and that there are exemptions for pre-existing units. She also notes that <br />additional presentations will be scheduled at neighborhood association meetings, to answer any <br />further questions and gain public feedback. Lastly, Manager Neal states that staff will continue to <br />research criteria pertaining to privacy, and clarifies why these units are considered affordable <br />housing. <br />ACTION: <br />Chairman Solorio: requests that Planning and Building Staff continue to review criteria <br />pertaining to parking, to ensure any provisions made are in line with State laws requirements. <br />Chairman Solorio also directs Staff to consider possible insufficient Police services, especially in <br />more dense areas of the City, to ensure public safety needs are not made worse by new accessory <br />dwelling unit developments. Chairman Solorio also requests that follow up be provided about <br />what items, aside from open space, were considered. <br />3 <br />13A-11 <br />
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