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FULL PACKET_2017-12-05
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2017-12-05
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12/5/2017 9:18:42 AM
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11/30/2017 7:29:56 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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AGENDA ITEMS <br />1. Proposed Ordinance Regarding Adult Use, Distribution, Cultivation, Manufacturing <br />and Testing of Marijuana — Acting Executive Director Candida Neal, Planning & Building <br />{Strategic Plan Goal No. 1, 1C} <br />Members of Staff provided a PowerPoint presentation, providing details of the elements included <br />in draft ordinance. Deputy City Manager Robert Cortez made note that the ordinance is specific <br />to adult and commercial uses, and did not affect Measure BB. Assistant City Attorney Tamara <br />Bogosian reviewed Proposition 64, and provided the staffs recommendation to allow and <br />regulate medicinal, adult -use and commercial cannabis activities. <br />Executive Director Candida Neal provided an overview of the draft ordinance, which was <br />prepared based on Committee and community feedback. The draft ordinance would allow for <br />both medicinal and adult -use cannabis, only in the industrial areas of the City, and would require <br />additional uses to pay tax payments or fees. Additionally, Director Neal reviewed the limit for <br />each type of cannabis license, as well as the permit process for each business, while suggesting a <br />merit point system as a solution in determining licenses given. <br />Treasury and Customer Services Manager Willard Holt provided an estimate for the amount of <br />revenue generated with implementation of the ordinance, by specifying the revenue for each type <br />of additional cannabis use, and comparing it to the amount necessary to fund enforcement. Code <br />Enforcement Manager Alvaro Nunez discussed the Cannabis Enforcement Taskforce, and gave <br />an overview of enforcement measures taken so far. <br />Lastly, Robert Cortez explained the anticipated timeline to implement the ordinance. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Peter Katz, suggests increased security measures at Eddie West Field and Main Place Mall, in <br />light of the tragic event that took place in Las Vegas. Additionally, he asks that proper funding <br />be allocated to the Police Department for enforcement of recreational marijuana use. <br />Gil Salmon, resident of Ward 2, suggests that personal cultivation be made legal, which would <br />allow the City to apply for grant funding of police enforcement and health services. Additionally, <br />he shares his concern about sufficient law enforcement, after recapping recent illegal drug <br />activity in his neighborhood. <br />2 <br />13A-18 <br />
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