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FULL PACKET_2017-12-05
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City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2017-12-05
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City Clerk
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Clerk of the Council
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Chad Wanke, a land -use and government affairs consultant, provides the Committee with a <br />written recommendation of a proposed amendment to the Cannabis Municipal Code. This <br />proposed amendment would allow permittees to change dispensary locations, upon approval <br />from the City. <br />Chris Glew, Santa Ana Cannabis Association, suggests that operational status of additional <br />recreational license categories, be given to applicants, prior to January 1, 2018, to ensure they are <br />made eligible for business. Additionally, he suggests the number of distribution and <br />manufacturing licenses be the same, and that microbusiness licenses be made available. <br />Irma Macias, a concerned resident, shares her disapproval of recreational licenses as a way to <br />bring the City revenue. Additionally, she feels that there is not enough funding for law and code <br />enforcement, therefore making the City less safe. <br />Melahat Rafrei, Santa Ana Cannabis Association, requests that it be noted on the record that the <br />Santa Ana Cannabis Association does not support the amendment about business relocations. <br />Additionally, she asks that the Committee consider microbusiness licenses, to promote economic <br />equity, and that more funding be provided for youth programs and anti -cannabis education <br />programs. <br />ACTION: <br />Chairman Solorio: In noting that State Law requires labor agreements for businesses with 20 or <br />more employees, Chairman Solorio recommends that the ordinance must also consider mirroring <br />this law, or be similar to the law in Long Beach, which is 3 or more employees. Additionally, <br />Chairman Solorio asks that ordinance include defined verbiage pertaining to operational status, <br />to ensure applications are received, and permits are granted accordingly. Lastly, Chairman <br />Solorio requests that Staff create a merit point system in awarding licenses, and that an increase <br />of distribution licenses be considered. <br />Committee Member Tinajero: Asks that the written proposed amendment, about business <br />relocations, be considered and incorporated in the ordinance. Additionally, Committee Member <br />Tmajero asks that funding be provided to the school district for an anti-smoking campaign, to <br />educate children about not smoking marijuana. <br />RECCONIENDATION. Bring this item back for further discussion at another Special Meeting, <br />prior to going to Council on October 17, 2017. <br />3 <br />13A-19 <br />
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