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City of Santa Ana, California <br />SECTION 1- INTRODUCTION <br />Section 1. Introduction <br />By issuing this Request for Proposals (RFP) for collection services, the City of Santa Ana (City) is <br />competitively procuring franchised collection services. The City is seeking proposals for the collection of <br />solid waste, recyclable materials and organic materials from Residential, Multi -Family Dwelling (MFD) <br />and Commercial accounts and for City facilities, operations and events. <br />The City's goals for the RFP process are to: <br />1. Implement high-quality, consistent and safe service delivery at the best value, <br />2. Secure excellent customer service and programs, and <br />3. Ensure diversion programs meet state mandates/industry standards and best practices. <br />The City is soliciting proposals from service providers who can deliver efficient service while meeting the <br />recycling diversion targets set by the City. Service providers are referred to as "Proposer" or "Collector" <br />throughout this document. Participants in this RFP process should make note of and comply with the <br />Proposer Code of Conduct (Attachment 2). <br />A key point of reference is the Draft Collection Services Franchise Agreement (Agreement). The <br />Agreement is included as Attachment 1. The Agreement provides definitions, contract terms, and <br />conditions, including a complete description of the collection services requested. If there are <br />differences between this RFP and the Agreement, the terms and conditions in the Agreement shall <br />prevail. <br />The City's goals and objectives for the RFP process and future collection services are as follows: <br />1.1.1 Integrity Competition in Selection Process, and Industry -Standard Contract Terms <br />• Conduct the RFP process with integrity and transparency <br />• Stimulate competition among proposing companies <br />• Set high performance, safety and regulatory standards <br />• Ensure value for ratepayers <br />• Enter into contract with fair terms and conditions <br />1.1.2 Quality, High -Value Programs <br />• Consistent, reliable and quality service <br />• Demonstrated safety standards and proven safety record <br />• Efficient service delivery that provides a strong value to the ratepayers <br />• Responsive customer service system <br />• Well-planned and professionally -executed transition to any new programs and <br />services <br />• Quality outreach and education <br />• Effective diversion programs to ensure compliance with regulations <br />DRAFT RFP for Franchise Collection Services 11/28/17 <br />65A-18 <br />Page 1 <br />