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City of Santa Ana, California <br />Section 3. Scope of Requested Collection Services <br />to fifty (50) gallons of Compost material for Customer pick-up at the designated facility <br />or in a manner agreed upon by the City, Event outreach will meet all contractual <br />outreach and education requirements. <br />7. Residential Curbside Annual Holiday Tree Recycling Collection <br />Contractor will provide annual collection of holiday trees commencing the first <br />collection day after December 25 and continuing for a three-week period at no <br />additional charge. Residents will be required to place the trees curbside for collection. <br />Trees shall be free of ornaments; garlands; tinsel and flocking; and stands shall be <br />removed. Contractor will be required to collect trees up to six feet in length on the same <br />day as the Customers regularly scheduled collection. <br />8. Residential Shredding Events <br />Contractor will administer annual shredding events allowing residents to deliver up to <br />three (3) file -size boxes worth of paper items for shredding. Contractor will coordinate <br />with the City regarding location and date of the events. Event outreach will meet all <br />contractual outreach and education requirements. <br />9. Residential Sharps Mall -Back Service <br />Contractor will administer a Residential Mail -Back Service, providing containers <br />approved for safe disposal of used medical sharps by residents. When the container is <br />full, the resident will mail it for incineration at an authorized facility. This program will <br />be offered to Residential customers who, for medical reasons, require the use of <br />medical sharps. <br />10. Curbside Used Oil <br />As funding is available through State, County or City sources, Contractor will provide <br />curbside collection of used oil and filters. A description of the process for compensation <br />and level of service is provided in the draft Agreement. <br />3.2.2 MFD Collection Services Arrangements <br />MFD are any residence in the Service Area with three (3) or more Dwelling Units, where each <br />Dwelling Unit is designed or used for occupancy by one (1) family, including any flat, apartment, <br />condominium, town home or other premises, other than a hotel or motel, including such <br />premises when combined in the same building with business establishments, utilizing a common <br />bin(s) for the accumulation and set -out of Solid Waste. When discussing solid waste, recycling or <br />yard waste collection service changes with customers, Contractor shall provide a rate schedule <br />to customers denoting all service levels and all possible frequencies of collection. <br />Note: <br />• AB 341 requires that multi -family housing with 5 or more units recycle recyclable <br />materials such as paper, cardboard, plastics, glass, metals, food and yard waste. <br />• Pursuant to AB 1826, MFD generating 4 cubic yards or more per week of non-food <br />organic waste shall arrange for recycling of Yard Waste, landscape and pruning waste, <br />and non -hazardous wood waste. By January 1, 2019, MFD generating 4 cubic yards of <br />solid waste per week or more shall arrange for recycling of Yard Waste, landscape and <br />pruning waste, and non -hazardous wood waste. If in the Summer/Fall of 2021, the state <br />DRAFT RFP for Franchised Collection Services <br />65A-25 <br />11/28/17 Page <br />