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City of Santa Ana, California Section 3. Scope of Requested Collection Services <br />3.2.6 Processing Plan <br />Proposer shall include a Processing Plan that demonstrates the Proposer's ability to arrange for <br />the processing of Recyclables and Organics originating in the City for the term of the Collection <br />Agreement and any extensions thereof. The plan should identify any arrangements that will <br />benefit the City in maintaining long-term rate stability. Prior to selection, the Contractor will be <br />required to produce proof of all arrangements described in its offer. Contractor should indicate <br />the per -ton costs and tonnage disposal guarantees they will offer the City. The plan should <br />specify facilities and fees for the processing of all materials collected in the City including roll- <br />off. <br />3.2.7 Diversion Plan <br />Proposer shall include a Diversion Plan that details the Proposer's approach to diversion and <br />describes all associated programs and services. Proposer shall include its approach to minimizing <br />scavenging, systematically reducing contamination and ensuring compliance with all CalRecycle <br />requirements. The Proposer shall provide plans for Residential Curbside, Multi -Family and <br />Commercial and roll -off Solid Waste, Recyclables and Yard Waste/Organics. The plan shall <br />include measurable goals for diversion and for reducing contamination for each year of the <br />contract. <br />This section provides a description of rate arrangements and fees that will apply to all three service <br />sectors. The rate schedules establish the maximum rates that may be charged. <br />3.3.1 Residential Curbside Rate Arrangements <br />The Residential Curbside Service rate structure will feature an integrated fee for collection that <br />covers solid waste, recycling, and yard waste collection services, regardless of cart size(s) <br />selected by customer, with the exception of the Senior Citizen and Mobile Home program. <br />3.3.2 MFD and Commercial Rate Arrangements <br />A volume -based rate structure will be used for MFD and commercial. Customers will be <br />encouraged to participate in Recyclable and Yard Waste collection. Customers will be required <br />to pay a fee for collection services based on subscription levels. <br />3.3.3 City Services <br />The City's facilities, operations and event services shall be provided all collection services at "no <br />cost." <br />All public education activities will be conducted by the Contractor. Contractor shall be responsible for <br />ensuring that its customers consistently receive a high level of customer service and responsiveness. <br />Contractor shall prepare an annual public education plan and meet with the City or the City's <br />representative to review the plan. The City shall have the right to review, revise and approve all <br />DRAFT RFP for Franchised Collection Services <br />65A-31 <br />11/28/17 Page 14 <br />