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City of Santa Ana, California <br />Section 3. Scope of Requested Collection Services <br />which are currently 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 8:00 a.m. to <br />noon on Saturdays, except for Holidays. Office hours may be adjusted at the discretion <br />of Contractor only after appropriate notification is provided to all Customers and <br />provided that offices are open for business at least eight (8) hours per day Monday <br />through Friday, except for Holidays. The Contractor shall provide either a telephone <br />answering service or a mechanical device to receive Service Recipient inquiries during <br />those times when the office is closed. Calls received after normal business hours shall be <br />addressed the next morning the office is open. <br />3. Local Telephone Number and Equipment <br />Contractor's principal office shall be accessible by a local (toll-free to Customers) <br />telephone number at least during the office hours specified in Article 8.6 of the <br />Franchise Agreement. The telephone number shall be listed under Contractor's name in <br />the local telephone directory and as appropriate on Collection vehicles and Containers. <br />The Contractor shall have sufficient equipment in place and staff to handle the volume <br />of calls experienced on the busiest days and such telephone equipment shall record the <br />responsiveness (e.g., call hold -time, abandoned calls, etc.) to calls. Recording of <br />Contractor's responsiveness to calls shall include, at a minimum, all items included in <br />the "Service Quality and Reliability" and "Customer Service" performance standards <br />listed in the Franchise Agreement. An answering machine or voicemail service shall <br />record Customer calls and voice messages during hours the office is closed or outside <br />times calls are not being answered. <br />4. Emergency Telephone Number <br />Contractor shall maintain an emergency telephone number for use outside Contractor's <br />office hours. The emergency telephone number shall be listed as an emergency number <br />under Contractor's name and under the City in the local telephone directory. Contractor <br />shall have a representative, or an answering service to contact such representative, <br />available at Contractor's emergency telephone number during all hours other than <br />Contractor's office hours. <br />5. Multilingual/TDD Service <br />Contractor shall always maintain the capability of responding to telephone calls in <br />English, Spanish, and such other languages as the City may direct, employing a service <br />such as ATT Language Line. Contractor shall always maintain the capability of <br />responding to telephone calls through Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) <br />Services. These capabilities shall be maintained for both the local telephone number and <br />the emergency telephone number. <br />6. Website <br />Contractor will develop and maintain a website dedicated to services provided in the <br />City that is accessible by the public. The website will include answers to frequently <br />asked questions; rates for Collection Services; Recyclable Materials, Yard Waste and <br />Organic Waste specifications; proper Bulky Waste and Household Hazardous Waste <br />disposal procedures; and other related topics. The Contractor's website will provide the <br />public the ability to e-mail complaints to Contractor and request services or service <br />changes. <br />Contractor shall describe how the website will allow customers to submit inquiries or <br />DRAFT RFP for Franchised Collection Services <br />65A-37 <br />11/28/17 Page 20 <br />