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City of Santa Ana, California <br />Section 3. Scope of Requested Collection Services <br />complaints, request new service or change in service, and request on-call Bulky Item <br />services. In addition, Contractor shall explain if it plans to manage the website with in- <br />house staff or if a subcontractor will be used. Contractor shall disclose the subcontractor <br />that will be used. <br />7. Service Requests Compliments, Complaints <br />Contractor shall be responsible for the prompt and courteous attention to, and prompt <br />and reasonable resolution of, all Customer service requests and complaints. Contractor <br />shall record in a separate computerized log, approved as to form by the City, all <br />complaints, noting the name and address of complainant, date and time of complaint, <br />nature of complaint, and nature and date of resolution. The Contractor shall retain this <br />complaint log for the Term plus three (3) years after its expiration or earlier termination. <br />Upon request by the City, Contractor shall compile and submit a summary statistical <br />table of the complaint log. <br />Contractor shall respond to all complaints received within twenty-four (24) hours, <br />weekends and Holidays excluded. In particular, if a complaint involves a failure to <br />Collect Solid Waste, Recyclable Materials or Organic Materials from a Premises in the <br />City, Contractor shall Collect the material in question within twenty-four (24) hours of <br />receipt of the Complaint, provided that Generator has properly placed materials for <br />Collection. <br />3.7.3 Record Keeping and Reporting <br />Contractor shall submit reports to the City or the City's Representative on Solid Waste Collection <br />and Disposal, Recyclable Materials Collection, Processing and marketing, and Organic Materials <br />Collection, Processing and marketing to ensure the City meets the reporting requirements of AB <br />939, AB 341, AB 1826 and other Applicable Law. <br />Contractor shall maintain accounting, statistical, operational, and other records related to its <br />performance as shall be necessary to provide reporting under the Act and demonstrate <br />compliance with this Agreement. Unless otherwise required in Article 8.8 of the Franchise <br />Agreement, Contractor shall retain all records and data required to be maintained by this <br />Agreement for the Term of this Agreement plus three (3) years after its expiration or earlier <br />termination. Records and data shall be in chronological and organized form and readily and <br />easily interpreted. Upon request, any such records shall be retrieved in a timely manner by <br />Contractor and made available to the City or the City's Representative. Contractor shall maintain <br />adequate record security to preserve records from events that can be reasonably anticipated <br />such as a fire, theft, flood and an earthquake. Electronically -maintained data and records shall <br />be protected and backed -up. <br />Contractor shall submit monthly and annual reports as described in Article 8.9 of the Franchise <br />Agreement. <br />Proposer shall provide a detailed implementation plan describing the Contractor's approach to <br />facilitating a smooth transition for all the collection services. The plan must clearly describe the <br />DRAFT RFP for Franchised Collection Services <br />65A-38 <br />11/28/17 Page 21 <br />