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City of Santa Ana, California Section S. Submittal Requirements <br />Proposers may limit information requested in Items 2, 3, 5 and 6 to civil lawsuits, administrative <br />proceedings, worker safety records, and customer service deficiencies to those arising out of the <br />Proposel's (and its affiliates') operations and facilities in California. <br />Note: The term "affiliate" as used in this RFP is defined in Article 1 of the Franchise Agreement. <br />5.4.7 Financial Information <br />1. Financial Statements <br />Submit audited financial statements for the most -recently completed fiscal year for the legal <br />entities that would execute the Franchise Agreement. If Proposer is a new entity, the proposal <br />must include statements from the majority owners' existing business entities. All such <br />statements are to be prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles <br />applied on a consistent basis and shall be audited in accordance with Generally Accepted <br />Auditing Standards and shall include a statement by the chief financial officer of the entity <br />described in the Franchise Agreement that there has been no material adverse change in such <br />condition or operations as reflected in the submitted balance sheet and income statements <br />since the date on which they were prepared. <br />2. Financing Plan <br />Describe the plan for financing all capital requirements (i.e., those listed in Attachment 8, Cost <br />Proposal Forms) in a "Sources and Uses of Funds" format, which describes the sources of <br />required capital (e.g., banks, leasing companies, cash reserves, etc.) and uses (e.g., property, <br />trucks, equipment, containers, reserves, etc.). <br />' I I `� 1 •'' I I I I <br />Requirements <br />Proposer shall describe how it plans to perform the collection services requested in Section 3 of this RFP <br />and described in the Franchise Agreement. Information must separately address all four service sectors: <br />Residential Curbside, MFD, Commercial, and City facilities. Proposer must explain any differences in the <br />method of delivering the services, equipment used, and containers to be provided. The description shall <br />also note differences in terms of routing strategies, collection methods, vehicles, collection crew size, <br />etc. In addition, Proposer must describe in detail why its technical approach to the services was chosen <br />and its benefits to the City. <br />Proposer shall include, at a minimum, the following: <br />1. Routing strategy and productivity assumptions for Residential Curbside, MFD, Commercial <br />and City facilities; discussion of special routing (if any) for collecting in narrow streets, courts, <br />and alleys; and route productivity assumptions (in terms of Residential Curbside accounts per <br />route per day and MFD/Commercial lifts per route per day) and where these productivity <br />assumptions have been accomplished in other cities serviced by the Proposer; <br />DRAFT RFP for Franchised Collection Services 11/28/17 Page 35 <br />65A-52 <br />