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City of Santa Ana, California Section 6. Proposal Evaluation Process <br />3. Management and Customer Service Systems <br />Demonstrated capabilities of the company's existing management and customer service <br />systems' abilities to track and monitor contract compliance, quality of collection service, <br />and call center responsiveness and to report data required (see Article 8 of the <br />Franchise Agreement). In the event the company proposes use of a new or modified <br />system, the extent to which such system has the potential to meet the, City's needs and <br />contract requirements will be evaluated. <br />4. Key Personnel Qualifications <br />Extent and relevance of the qualifications and experience of key personnel proposed for <br />the transition team and on-going management of the City's collection operations. <br />5. Past Performance Record <br />Review of company's history with litigation and regulatory action (e.g., nature of past <br />and pending civil, legal, regulatory, and criminal actions; history and nature of payments <br />of liquidated damages); regulatory compliance related to equipment and facilities <br />including compliance with land use permits, storm water discharge permits, state <br />highway requirements, etc.). <br />6. Financial Stability <br />Financial strength and ability of company to acquire equipment and provide financial <br />assurance of performance based on review of its audited financial statements and its <br />proposed financing plan and the relationship of the City's Franchise Agreement to the <br />company's total annual revenues. <br />7. Jurisdiction Satisfaction <br />Satisfaction of company's references with the services received in the past 10 years <br />(including, but not limited to, implementation, customer service, call center, billing, <br />payment of fees, reporting, and the handling of contractual issues). <br />6.2.3 Proposal for Collection and Diversion Services <br />1. Collection Approach <br />Reasonableness and reliability of the proposed collection methods (e.g., technology, <br />equipment, and containers); reasonableness of productivity and operating assumptions <br />(i.e., number of routes, route drivers, route hours, stops per route, and other operating <br />statistics), if applicable; and reasonableness of assumptions. <br />2. Collection Facilities <br />Plan for providing the facilities needed for equipment storage and parking, <br />maintenance, and administration. Level of assurance provided, if any, about site <br />acquisition and timely development of necessary facilities if not proposing an existing, <br />operational and permitted facility. <br />DRAFT RFP for Franchised Collection Services 11/28/17 Page 43 <br />65A-60 <br />