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City of Santa Ana, California <br />Section 6. Proposal Evaluation Process <br />6.2.7 California Assembly Bill 1669 Hiring Preference Intent Requirement Compliance <br />The statement of intent to hire displaced workers according to the requirements of AB <br />1669 (Attachment 11). <br />6.2.8 Alternative Technical Proposals <br />The City is not obligated to evaluate or select alternative proposals. Alternative <br />proposals will be considered by the City if the City concludes, in its sole discretion, that <br />the alternative proposals warrant evaluation and analysis. Such evaluation will consider <br />the reasonableness and reliability of proposed collection methods, technology, <br />equipment, and containers and the reasonableness of productivity and operating <br />assumptions (i.e., number of routes, route drivers, route hours, stops per route, and <br />other operating statistics). <br />At the City's option, the reasonableness and competitiveness of one or more alternative <br />proposal(s) may be evaluated. <br />DRAFT RFP for Franchised Collection Services 11/28/17 <br />65A-62 <br />Page 45 <br />