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EXHIBIT B (Continued) <br />hold a meeting concerning the proposed modification (s), at which time all affected employee <br />organizations shall be heard. Thereafter the Employee Relations Officer shall determine the <br />composition of the appropriate unit or units in accordance with Section 11 of this Resolution, and <br />shall give written notice of such determination to the affected employee organizations. The <br />Employee Relations Officer=s determination may be appealed as provided in Section 13 of this <br />Resolution. If a unit is modified pursuant to the motion of the Employee Relations Officer hereunder, <br />employee organizations may thereafter file Recognition Petitions seeking to become the <br />Recognized Employee Organization for such new appropriate unit or units pursuant to Section 6 <br />hereof. <br />Section 13. Apipeals <br />An employee organization aggrieved by an appropriate unit determination of the Employee <br />Relations Officer under this Resolution may, within ten (10) days of notice thereof, appeal such <br />determination to the City Council for final decision. <br />An employee organization aggrieved by a determination of the Employee Relations Officer that a <br />Recognition Petition (Section 6); Challenging Petition (Section 8) or Decertification Petition (Section <br />10) or employees aggrieved by a determination of the Employee Relations Officer that a <br />Decertification Petition (Section 10) has not been filed in compliance with the applicable provisions <br />of this Resolution, may, within fifteen (15) days of notice of such determination, appeal the <br />determination to the City Council for final decision. <br />Appeal to the City Council shall be filed in writing with the City Clerk, and a copy thereof served on <br />the Employee Relations Officer. The City Council shall commence to consider the matter within <br />thirty (30) days of the filing of the appeal, and shall render a final and binding decision regarding the <br />resolution of the disputed issue(s) raised by the appeal after each party involved has been given an <br />opportunity, during a public meeting, to present written and oral arguments in support of their <br />respective positions and, if the City Council so desires, after any future investigation or review of the <br />matter as it may deem appropriate. The City Council, may, In its discretion, refer the dispute to a <br />third party hearing process for the purpose of seeking an advisory determination prior to making its <br />final decision regarding the resolution of the dispute, <br />Section 14: Submission of Current Information by Recognized Employee Organizations <br />All changes in the information filed with the City by a Recognized Employee Organization under <br />Items 1 through 13 of its Recognition Petition under Section 6 of this Resolution shall be submitted in <br />writing to the Employee Relations Officer within fifteen (15) days of such change. <br />Section 15: Payroll Deductions on Behal of Employee Organizations <br />Upon formal acknowledgment by the City of a Recognized Employee Organization under this <br />Resolution, only such Recognized Employee Organization may be provided payroll deductions of <br />membership dues and insurance premiums for plans sponsored by such organization upon the <br />written authorization of employees in the unit represented by Recognized Employee Organization <br />on forms provided therefore by the City. The providing of such service to the Recognized Employee <br />Organization by the City shall be contingent upon and in accordance with the provisions of <br />Memorandum of Understanding and/or applicable administrative procedures. <br />CONFIDENTIAL ASSOCIATION OF SANTA ANA(CASA) MOU: 2017-2018 Page 91 <br />25H-95 <br />