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City of Santa Ana RFP 17-072 1 Statement of Qualifications (Revised 11/9/17) <br />relevant overheads. This tool is effective in highlighting differences and gaps between different operating <br />divisions performing the same function. It also provides the baseline cost for determining the effort <br />required to operationalize the desired future end state and for measuring future efficiencies. The ABA <br />will be particularly useful to the Agency to identify overlap in current Finance and Administrative Services <br />effort and to help drive an organizational design based on teams with clarified roles and responsibilities. <br />Leading practices recommends moving from a dlstributed/generalist model towards specialist teams <br />where transactional and administrative services are provided by a Shared Services Organization, with <br />documented processes and service standards that are agreed to, and to which the providers (and clients, <br />for inputs) are accountable. This frees up your professional and technical staff to provide more strategic, <br />business partnering, and proactive services, without day-to-day operational demands crowding out these <br />value-added roles. The attachments provide an example description of potential roles for specialist <br />teams on page 33. <br />The Project will deliver a new operating model and organization design to support and enable the <br />recommended future state. These will be directly linked to the financial business case and <br />implementation to provide prudent and achievable performance targets. <br />Specifications for Software System <br />We will develop a technology landscape through Interviews with IT subject matter experts and review of <br />available documents, such as records management workflows (to be developed in the Digital Records <br />Management project, as relevant). The Technology Landscape reviews and catalogues the City's <br />Enterprise Management System (EMS) and other supporting technology environment, including feeder <br />systems and workarounds, to help the project team understand how each of the processes is supported <br />by the EMS platform or alternative technology. <br />We will assess and make recommendations on technology. Initial considerations will come from <br />assessing and making recommendations around what functionality the EMS has, but for whatever <br />reason, has not been made available. To the extent possible Chazey will look at technologies that the <br />City already owns but perhaps does not yet fully leverage. Where there are repetitive tasks, we will look <br />for opportunities for Robotic Process Automation, which can provide effective automation with a very <br />short return on investment. <br />In addition, we will consider what additional technology enablement may support the Agency in <br />streamlining processes to facilitate data collection, reporting and budgeting. We will provide <br />specifications and recommendations sufficient to allow the Agency to determine if procurement of a new <br />software system is necessary. This report will link to the process documentation and the <br />recommendations for process optimization and standardization. A key requirement will be financial, <br />compliance and performance reporting capabilities that are interfaced with the City's Enterprise <br />Management System, enabling seamless reporting to external agencies. <br />Lastly, we will assist the Agency in writing the RFP for vendor selection and will work with the selected <br />software vendor to ensure that the objectives of the recommended process changes are met. <br />Implementation Strategies <br />The final major area of the Roadmap will identify Implementation strategies for all recommendations. We <br />will provide the actionable roadmap for in -scope services, including a definition of how each component <br />of the proposed operating model will be delivered, the sequencing of the recommended rollout, and <br />actions/deliverables agreed in the final plan. This roadmap will define the tasks, deliverables, timeline, <br />workdays, estimating assumptions, staffing requirements and approach for the Project. We will <br />recommend changes where appropriate to the existing governance framework to ensure it is robust and <br />provides strategic leadership, enables effective decision making, approves key decisions, drives <br />progress, supports quality and secures commitment. The implementation plan will be based on a phased <br />approach that will consider quick wins, various strategies for the scope for each wave, and any technology <br />constraints that may dictate certain go -live dates. <br />Chazey Partners Revised per email communication request 10/31/17 <br />417 - . <br />