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City of Banta Ana RFP 17-072 1 Statement of Qualifications (Revised 11/9/17) 11111111119CM,QW-111 0 <br />Figure 21: Project Schedule — Phase 2: Implement Sub -Phase Activities <br />Title <br />>2) Implementation&S:ablllzalion <br />b 2.1) Build <br />♦ 2.2) Deploy <br />• 2,2.1) Opomtionagzo deployment teams <br />• 2.2.2) Fealiltale writ shadowing& knowledge transfer <br />• 2,2,9) Conduct wining an and -state processes <br />•2.2.4) Integrate end -state Into existing business continully plans <br />• 2.2,8) Boll out technology Wath training <br />•2.2.6) Deltverdeplaymam sommunioationa <br />• 2.2.7) Test compliance with OMB uniform Guidance rorluiremanto <br />• 2.2.8) Test readiness for gu-Ilvo&axaoUte <br />w 2.3) Stabilize Opemtlons <br />Figure 22: Project Schedule — Phase 2: Stabilize Sub -Phase Activities <br />Till. <br />.2) implementation &Stabllizallon <br />1, 2.1) Build <br />r 2.2) Deploy <br />. 2.3) Stabilize Oper lona <br />• 2.31) Initlsts regular Pedarmence Moaning <br /><2.3.2) Callon OMB Vatican Buldance compliance <br />• 2.3,3) Adjust communication channels as necessary <br />• 2.3.4) Conry out further gaining as necoosmy <br />• 23.8) Update procaao doeumomatlan and technology as necessary <br />• 2.3.6) Conduct comprehensive feedback review <br />7.1.1 New Brunswick Internal Services Agency <br />New Brunswick is one of Canada's three Maritime Provinces with a population of 750,000, supported by <br />a provincial government annual budget of $8 billion. The Government of New Brunswick engaged <br />Chazey Partners to support a major shared services implementation as well as a comprehensive RFI <br />process for ERP selection. We also wrote several white papers for the Government on ERP, Technology <br />Enablement and Best Practices. Additionally, Chazey Partners helped assess and support the <br />implementation of several additional technology enablers such as document management, workflow, <br />helpdesk, telephony and other systems. <br />Client Contact: Monica Ward, Director, Hire to Retire, Payroll & Benefits Services, NBISA <br />Email Address: <br />Phone Number: 506-444-3279 <br />7.1.2 University of California (UC Davis) <br />UC Davis is one of ten campuses in the University of California system, the world's pre-eminent public <br />university system. Founded in 1905, UC Davis had a 2013/14 operating expenditure budget of $3.4 <br />billion with 33,300 students in four colleges and six professional schools, while the UC Davis Health <br />System served 6 million people over 33 counties. <br />Chazey Partners was commissioned to perform a six-week review of the first eighteen months of the <br />SSC's operation, including Finance, Human Resources and Payroll, in recognition that performance was <br />sub -optimal to the original business case. In carrying out this process review, we focused on the <br />strengths, weaknesses, issues and opportunities at UC Davis and the overall business process operation. <br />We also assessed the original business case against current operations and looked at the SSC scope in <br />relation to function, process and sub -process, as well as the potential client scope, in terms of services <br />provided to the Administrative and Academic units. As part of this work, we performed a review of the <br />existing financial models and performed a comprehensive examination of their Client Interaction <br />Chazey Partners Revised per email communication request 10/31/17 <br />20A-64 <br />