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SL P R O P O SAL <br />City of Santa Ana I Water Resources Division <br />RFP #17-131 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />APPROACH <br />SL will use a systematic and disciplined approach to completing the CCR to ensure the City of <br />Santa Ana meets all regulatory requirements well in advance of the State of California's July 1 <br />deadline. Our approach is thorough: each client meeting and conference call is followed-up with <br />a recap listing important points discussed, next steps, deadlines and individuals responsible for <br />each milestone. We will remain in continual contact with City staff to keep them apprised of our <br />progress. Reminders are sent to City staff when deliverables are needed. Within this structure, <br />we strive to be nimble and responsive, always adapting to special circumstances that may arise <br />and meeting client's requests in a timely manner. <br />2017 WQCCR <br />Overview: The City of Santa Ana, Water Resources Division, as with all private and municipal <br />water districts, is required by federal and state agencies to produce and distribute an annual <br />"Water Quality Consumer Confidence Report" (WQCCR) by July 1 each year to inform residents <br />about the source and quality of their drinking water. This mandate was established by Congress <br />in 1996 and expanded the terms of content and format for annual water quality reports that <br />California water systems began distributing in 1990. The WQCCR includes information on water <br />sources, drinking water regulations, monitoring requirements, levels of any detected <br />contaminants, and additional educational information. The WQCCR is designed to help <br />consumers make informed choices that affect their health, educate consumers about the <br />challenges of delivering safe drinking water, and highlight the importance of conserving and <br />protecting this valuable resource. <br />For the past 11 years, Straightline Communications has worked with the City to produce this <br />annual report and has helped the City fulfill this mandate. For the first time in 2012, the City <br />was able to "go green" and meet its requirements with a paperless alternative. Straightline <br />Communications designed, produced and launched, making available <br />the 2012 CCR online as well as electronically. Straightline Communications also assisted the <br />City in meeting its notification requirements and "good faith" efforts to ensure water customers <br />and all other consumers of Santa Ana water are informed about the WQCCR, its expected date <br />of release, and how they can obtain a copy of the report. These special communications have <br />included announcements on water bills, bill stuffers, flyers, bus shelter ads, social media posts <br />and press releases. <br />Page 13 of 24 <br />25E-34 <br />