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S L P R O P OS A L <br />City of Santa Ana I Water Resources Division <br />RFP #17-131 <br />Implementation Plan: <br />1. SL will conduct, obtain, and analyze data from various sources to ensure and provide <br />current information regarding water regulations and any variances for California pubic water <br />suppliers. This incudes obtaining and carefully reviewing the CCR Guidance Manual (a <br />document released each year by the California Department of Public Health Division of <br />Drinking Water and Environmental Management) to assess changes in report content, <br />format, and distribution, ensuring the CCR is in conformance with the State regulations and <br />law. SL will also monitor the Department's website for changes in required content such as <br />terms of newly adopted Maximum Contaminant Levels, Public Health Goals, and other <br />revised regulatory requirements. SL is familiar with water quality monitoring regulations for <br />public water systems and has a good understanding of water quality reporting and <br />notification procedures required by federal and state regulatory agencies. <br />2. SL will coordinate all meetings with City staff throughout the term of its agreement. At the <br />onset of SL's engagement, we will call an initial meeting with the Water Resources <br />Manager, Principal Civil Engineer, and other City staff to discuss the PWA Water Resources <br />Division's objectives, projects, programs and initiatives for the year. During the meeting, we <br />will discuss and recommend specific content and design themes for the 2017 CCR, as well <br />as refine our production timeline. Content will include, but not be limited to: <br />• Opening message from the PWA Executive Director <br />Mandatory Requirements: Information about the City's water system and sources of <br />water (e.g. ground water, surface water etc.); contacts and a list of opportunities for <br />public participation in decisions that affect drinking water quality; statement in other <br />languages about the importance of the report and contact information; definitions of key <br />terms regarding contaminant data; a key of terms and abbreviations; the centerpiece of <br />the CCR: a table reporting levels of regulated and unregulated detected contaminants; <br />and—if applicable—a Tier 3 public notice for a monitoring violation or other type of <br />violation or situation. The CCR also includes mandatory statements about: drinking <br />water contaminants; contaminants that may reasonably be expected to be found in <br />drinking water; the risk of infection for some people who may be more vulnerable to <br />contaminants; and special requirements for nitrate, arsenic, and lead. <br />Articles about water and energy conservation tips, other green initiatives, ways to <br />prevent source water pollution, important public works projects in development, rebate <br />programs, landscaping tips, water education programs sponsored by the City, and more. <br />• Checklists and other helpful tools to detect water leaks, read water meters, ways to save <br />money on water bills, and a list of important City telephone numbers, which has been a <br />popular feature. <br />25E-35 Page 14 of 24 <br />