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2013-001 - California Repealing Resolution No. 2012-010[Icon] 2 Yes 1/15/2013 9:07:00 AM 11/14/2014 10:22:35 AM CLERK1 City Clerk
2013-002 - Establishing Certain Committees of the City Council and Repealing Resolution Nos. 1998-091[Icon] 2 Yes 2/4/2013 5:51:56 PM 3/22/2016 9:16:04 AM CLERK1 City Clerk
2013-003 - Finding and Determining that the Public Interest, Convenience and Necessity Require[Icon] 5 Yes 2/4/2013 5:53:13 PM 2/4/2013 5:56:00 PM CLERK1 City Clerk
2013-004 - Finding and Determining that the Public Interest, Convenience and Necessity Require[Icon] 6 Yes 2/4/2013 5:54:15 PM 2/4/2013 5:56:08 PM CLERK1 City Clerk
2013-005 - Finding and Determining That The Public Interest[Icon] 5 Yes 2/4/2013 5:55:21 PM 2/4/2013 5:56:15 PM CLERK1 City Clerk
2013-006 - Approving the Submittal of An Application for Environemental Enhacement[Icon] 3 Yes 2/20/2013 2:06:11 PM 2/26/2013 12:06:03 PM CLERK1 City Clerk
2013-007 - The Donation of A 1921 Seagrave Fire Truck[Icon] 2 Yes 2/20/2013 2:08:55 PM 2/26/2013 12:06:03 PM CLERK1 City Clerk
2013-008 - Authorizing Reimbursement to the County of Orange[Icon] 2 Yes 2/20/2013 2:09:59 PM 2/26/2013 12:06:03 PM CLERK1 City Clerk
2013-009 - Authorizing the City Manager and the Chief of Police Or His Desgnee‎(s)‎[Icon] 2 Yes 2/26/2013 12:04:29 PM 2/26/2013 12:06:03 PM CLERK1 City Clerk
2013-010 - Regarding Offical Visits From Socialist Republic of Vietnam[Icon] 2 Yes 2/26/2013 12:05:28 PM 2/26/2013 12:06:04 PM CLERK1 City Clerk
2013-011 - Authorizing Staff to Apply For Federal Transit Adminstration Funding[Icon] 2 Yes 3/7/2013 1:18:46 PM 3/7/2013 1:19:37 PM CLERK1 City Clerk
2013-012 - Authorizing A Two-Year Continuance of A Program[Icon] 3 Yes 3/27/2013 3:49:38 PM 3/27/2013 3:50:06 PM CLERK1 City Clerk
2013-013 - Approving An Application For Project Funding Under the Environmental Justice Program[Icon] 2 Yes 3/27/2013 9:15:37 AM 3/27/2013 9:16:03 AM CLERK1 City Clerk
2013-014 - Retention Schedule[Icon] 57 Yes 5/2/2013 1:41:27 PM 1/7/2020 4:01:48 PM CLERK1 City Clerk
2013-014_Retention Schedule Legend[Icon] 1 Yes 4/28/2020 5:08:41 PM 4/28/2020 5:10:26 PM CLERK000006 City Clerk
2013-015 - Consenting to the County of Orange Declaring A Portion of Edinger Ave[Icon] 2 Yes 5/2/2013 1:55:32 PM 5/2/2013 1:57:09 PM CLERK1 City Clerk
2013-016 - Extension of Conditional Use Permit No. 2008-37[Icon] 3 Yes 5/2/2013 1:56:50 PM 5/2/2013 1:57:14 PM CLERK1 City Clerk
2013-017 - Extension of Conditional Use Permit No. 2010-15[Icon] 3 Yes 5/15/2013 10:21:02 AM 5/15/2013 10:28:23 AM CLERK1 City Clerk
2013-018 - Authorizing the Submittal of Projects to Orange County Transportation[Icon] 3 Yes 5/15/2013 10:22:36 AM 5/15/2013 10:28:28 AM CLERK1 City Clerk
2013-019 - Amending the City Council Rules And Procedures For Special Meetings[Icon] 5 Yes 5/15/2013 10:23:57 AM 7/21/2020 2:41:04 PM CLERK1 City Clerk
2013-020 - Establishing Certain Committees of The City Council[Icon] 2 Yes 5/15/2013 10:25:50 AM 3/22/2016 9:16:02 AM CLERK1 City Clerk
2013-021 - Finding and Determing that the Public Interest[Icon] 8 Yes 5/15/2013 10:27:30 AM 5/15/2013 10:28:58 AM CLERK1 City Clerk
2013-022 - Issuance of Revenue Bonds By the California Municipal Finance Authority[Icon] 4 Yes 5/13/2013 3:18:14 PM 5/13/2013 3:19:27 PM CLERK1 City Clerk
2013-023 - Comprehensive Federal Immigration Reform and Urging the 113th Congress[Icon] 3 Yes 6/4/2013 4:00:31 PM 4/9/2015 11:20:42 AM CLERK1 City Clerk
2013-024 - Opposing the South Coast Air Quality Management District's[Icon] 2 Yes 6/4/2013 4:02:24 PM 6/4/2013 4:03:04 PM CLERK1 City Clerk
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