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Alliance Residence October 18,2016 <br />J.N.: 2530.00 <br />Page 21 <br />for Public Works Construction (Greenbook) or Crushed Miscellaneous Base conforming to Section <br />200-2.4 of the Greenbook. <br />6.7.5 Concrete Pavers <br />Concrete pavers should conform to the requirements of ASTM C 936. Construction of the pavers, <br />including bedding sand, should follow manufacturer's specifications. Typical thickness of bedding <br />sand is about 1 inch. The gradation of bedding sand should meet the requirement in Table 6.6. <br />Construction of edge restraints should also follow manufacturer's specifications. As a minimum, <br />restraints should be provided along the perimeter of concrete pavers and where there is a change in <br />the paving materials. Concrete bands should extend to the bottom of the base course underlying the <br />concrete pavers. <br />TABLE 6.5 <br />Gradation for Sand Bedding <br />00[30@ /3:9 1 1]agil@ Rip#i]6 <br />+k"100 <br />No. 4 95 - 100 <br />No. 8 80 - 100 <br />No. 16 50 - 85 <br />No. 30 25 - 60 <br />No. 50 5 - 30 <br />No. 100 0 - 10 <br />No. 200 0-1 <br />6.7.6 Concrete Pavement <br />Portland cement concrete used to construct concrete paving should conform to Section 201 of the <br />Greenbook and should have a minimum compressive strength of 3,000 pounds per square inch (psi) <br />at 28 days. Reinforcement and jointing of concrete pavement sections should be designed according <br />to the minimum recommendations provided by the Portland Cement Association (PCA). For rigid <br />pavement, transverse and longitudinal contraction joints should be provided at spacing no greater <br />than 15 feet. Score joints may be constructed by saw cutting to a depth of 91 of the slab thickness. <br />Expansion/cold joints may be used in lieu of score joints. Such joints should be properly sealed. <br />Where traffic will traverse over cold joints without dowels or edges of concrete paving, the edges <br />should be thickened by 20% of the design thickness toward the edge over a horizontal distance of 5 <br />feet. <br />We recommend rigid pavements be constructed at all trash truck loading pads (areas in front of the <br />trash enclosures). The rigid pavement structural sections for trash pads should be reinforced with a <br />minimum of No. 3 bars spaced at 18 inches each way. <br />ALBUS-KEEFE & ASSOCIATES, INC.