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Grifin Realty SA, Inc.-Georechnical Investigation <br />L,aw/Crandall Project 70131-7-0261.0001 <br />July 8, 1997 <br />spaced at least 6 feet on centers, no reduction in the capacity of the anchors need be considered <br />due to group action. <br />Anchor Installation <br />The anchors may be installed at angles of 15 to 40 degrees below the horizontal. Caving of the <br />anchor holes should be anticipated and provisions made to minimize such caving. <br />The anchors should be filled with concrete placed by pumping from the tip out, and the concrete <br />should extend from the tip of the anchor to the active wedge. To minimize chances of caving, we <br />suggest that the portion of the anchor shaft within the active wedge be backfilled with sand before <br />testing the anchor. This portion of the shaft should be filled tightly and flush with the face of the <br />excavation. The sand backfill may contain a small amount of cement to allow the sand to be <br />placed by pumping. <br />Anchor Testing <br />Our representative should select at least one of the initial anchors for a 24-hour 200% test, and two <br />additional anchors for quick 200% tests. The purpose of the 200% tests is to verify the friction <br />value assumed in design. The anchors should be tested to develop twice the assumed friction <br />value. Anchor rods of sufficient strength should be installed in these anchors to support 200% test <br />loading. Where satisfactory tests are not achieved on the initial anchors, the anchor diameter <br />and/or length should be increased until satisfactory test results are obtained. <br />The total defiection during the 24-hour 200% tests should not exceed 12 inches during loading; the <br />anchor deflection should not exceed 0.75 inch during the 24-hour period, measured after the 200% <br />test load is applied. If the anchor movement after the 200% load has been applied for 12 hours is <br />less than 0.5 inch, and the movement over the previous 4 hours has been less than 0.1 inch, the test <br />mav be terminated. <br />Ill----Ill=/ <br />11