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Griffin Really SA, Inc.-Geotechnical Investigation <br /> Project 70131-7-0261.0001 <br />July 8, 1997 <br />For the quick 200% tests, the 200% test load should be maintained for 30 minutes. The total <br />deflection of the anchor during the 200% quick test should not exceed 12 inches; the deflection <br />after the 200% test load has been applied should not exceed 0.25 inch during the 30-minute period. <br />All of the production anchors should be pretested to at least 150% of the design load; the total <br />deflection during the tests should not exceed 12 inches. The rate of creep under the 150% test <br />should not exceed 0.1 inch over a 15-minute period for the anchor to be approved for the design <br />loading. <br />After a satisfactory test, each production anchor should be locked-off at the design load. The <br />locked-off load should be verified by rechecking the load in the anchor. If the locked-off load <br />varies by more than 10% from the design load, the load should be reset until the anchor is locked- <br />off within 10% of the design load. <br />The installation of the anchors and the testing of the completed anchors should be observed by our <br />firm. <br />Internal Bracing <br />Raker bracing, if used, could be supported laterally by temporary concrete footings (deadmen). <br />For design of such temporary footings, poured with the bearing surface normal to rakers inclined <br />at 45 to 60 degrees with the vertical, a bearing value of 2,000 pounds per square foot may be used <br />· at the excavation level, provided the shallowest point of the footing is at least 1 foot below the <br />lowest adjacent grade. To reduce the movement of the shoring, the rakers should be preloaded or <br />at least tightly wedged between the footings and the soldier piles. <br />Dellection <br />It is difficult to accurately predict the amount of deflection of a shored embankment. It should be <br />realized, however, that some dellection will occur. We estimate that this deflection would be less <br />than 1 inch at the top of a cantilevered shoring system, and less than M inch for a braced shoring <br />system. If greater dellection occurs during construction, additional bracing may be necessary to <br />12