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City of Santa Ana Proposal to Provide Solid Waste Consulting Services <br />RFP NO.: 18-006 <br />Subtask 4G: Contact References for Recommended Proposer <br />We will contact references provided for the proposer to be recommended to the City Council for <br />award of the agreement. We will summarize the results of the reference checks within the <br />evaluation report. <br />Subtask 4H: Prepare Draft Evaluation Report <br />All proposals will receive a preliminary evaluation. A detailed evaluation is performed of the one <br />or two proposals that appear to offer the most value for the services and costs proposed. <br />Additionally, we will review the overall reasonableness of the operational and financial <br />assumptions contained in the technical section of the proposals selected for detailed evaluation. <br />After our evaluation is complete, we will provide the City with a report describing the evaluation <br />results. <br />Subtask 41: Review City Comments and Prepare Final Evaluation Report <br />HF&H will review and incorporate City comments into the evaluation report and provide a final <br />evaluation report. <br />Subtask 4J: Attend City Council Meeting to Select Contractor for Negotiations <br />HF&H will attend one City Council meeting at which the City Council will select the proposer(s) <br />with whom the City would like to negotiate a franchise agreement. <br />TASK 5: Negotiate With Top Ranked Contractors, and Prepare a New Agreement with Selected <br />Contractor for City Council Approval <br />Subtask SA: Prepare for and Participate in Negotiation Sessions <br />HF&H will participate in negotiation sessions with one or more proposers, up to a total of four <br />negotiation meetings. The fee estimate includes costs for up to four negotiation sessions. The <br />City may prefer to negotiate with multiple proposers at this time, as multiple proposals may <br />appear attractive prior to finalizing the agreement. Proposers are most cooperative when they <br />are still in competition. After finalizing negotiations, we would then assist the City's evaluation <br />team in its determination of a final selection. If the City desires to negotiate further with the final <br />selection, we would assist in those negotiations as well. <br />Subtask SB: Prepare Revised Portions of Agreement <br />Based on the negotiations, we will make up to three sets of revisions to the final agreement <br />negotiated with the selected proposer. The City can then make a decision based on clearly <br />defined contract terms, verses general promises often made in proposals and during <br />negotiations. Also, at award, neither the successful nor unsuccessful proposers can debate <br />what was or was not the final offer to the City. <br />April 4, 2018 Page 16 HF&H Consultants, LLC <br />60D-67 <br />