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be determined by the executive director of peFseR^^l seN'Ges human resources. <br />All applicants in the same examination shall be accorded uniform and equal <br />treatment in all phases of the examination procedure. <br />Sec. 9-42. - Error appeal. <br />During the five (5) working days commencing with the first working day after a <br />written test has been completed, a candidate may file with the executive director <br />of r •^^^^�; seFVIGee human resources an appeal against any item of the test or <br />any part of the test, citing the items or the parts against which the appeal is directed <br />and the reasons for such an appeal. An eligible list resulting from such test shall <br />not thereafter be established until all the disputed items have been reviewed by <br />the executive director of perseP�Ges human resources and corrected if <br />found to be wrong, or the appeal denied. Decisions of the executive director of <br />peFseNael sePAGes human resources shall be subject to review by the city manager <br />upon written request by the candidate filed with the executive director of personae{ <br />services human resources within five (5) working days of the decision. <br />Sec. 9-43. - Grading appeal. <br />During the five (5) working days beginning with the day after notice of <br />placement on the eligible list has been mailed, a candidate may file with the <br />executive director of peFSORnelseFV;ces human resources a request to review the <br />score assigned to each component of the examination. If the candidate believes <br />an error has been made in any computation of his or her scores, including <br />computation of score assigned to each examination component, determination of <br />weighted scores, or in the summing of weighted scores, he or she may make <br />application, in writing, to the executive director of peFsennel sewlees human <br />resources for an adjustment of his or her score. However, in such application the <br />candidate must state specifically and particularly wherein he or she believes error <br />has been made. Any error that may appear shall be corrected, and any change in <br />the standing of candidates as a result thereof shall be made by the executive <br />director of personae! sewises human resources within five (5) working days after <br />the appeal period. All conclusions in connection with appeals shall be approved or <br />disapproved by the city manager and shall be subject to review by the personnel <br />board upon written request by the candidate filed with the board within five (5) <br />working days after the candidate has been notified of the decision of the city <br />manager. <br />Sec. 9-46. - Same—Duration. <br />Such eligible lists shall remain in effect for the time period listed below, unless <br />within such period the executive director of personnel c^^ ^^s human resources <br />shall not be able to certify for appointment the number of persons required under <br />the provisions of this chapter. <br />Ordinance No. NS -XXX <br />Page 8 of 16 <br />50A-10 <br />