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(a) Eligible lists for classifications designated as "local police/fire safety" <br />members of the public employees' retirement system shall be in effect for <br />two (2) years. <br />(b) Eligible lists for all classifications which are not included in subsection (a) <br />above shall be in effect for six (6) months, but may be extended in six- <br />month increments with the approval of the city manager to allow for a <br />maximum life of list of two (2) years. <br />ARTICLE III. -FILING VACANCIES <br />Sec. 9-61. - Same—Request for removal or reinstatement of name. <br />An eligible, at any time, may request in writing that his or her name be <br />withdrawn temporarily from the eligible list and placed on inactive status. Upon <br />approval of the executive director of personnel sewises human resources such <br />request shall be granted, and likewise, upon written request of the eligible, his or <br />her name may be reinstated to active status during the life of the list. <br />Sec. 9-62. - Same—Consolidation. <br />Two (2) eligible lists of the same type (open or promotional) for the same <br />classification may be consolidated by the executive director of peFsennel sepvmres <br />human resources by placing eligibles from an old list onto a new list in accordance <br />with the procedures outlined in section 9-45. The names on the resulting <br />(consolidated) list shall be certified in accordance with the procedures outlined in <br />section 9-66. <br />Sec. 9-66. - Certification—Procedure. <br />Upon receipt of the request from an appointing authority, the executive director <br />of pefsonnef sewises human resources shall certify, to the appointing authority, <br />names in accordance with the following: <br />(1) If a reemployment list exists for the classification, one (1) name for each <br />vacancy. <br />(2) If no reemployment list exists, names shall be certified as follows: <br />(a) By transfer list, then by reappointment list. If the combined total of <br />candidates eligible for certification from these two (2) lists is less than <br />five (5), candidates may be certified from a promotional list, if any, or <br />an open list as shown below. <br />(b) For promotional -only appointments, the names of the candidates with <br />the three (3) highest scores on the promotional eligible list. Except in <br />the case of ties, the number of names to be certified from an active <br />Ordinance No. NS -XXX <br />Page 9 of 16 <br />50A-11 <br />