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and in the departments where exist classifications for which examinations are <br />being held, and in such other places as may attract qualified candidates. The <br />notices will contain sufficient information relative to the examination to indicate to <br />interested candidates the duties and prerequisites of the position, together with <br />dates, salaries and pertinent benefits. Promotional examinations will be published <br />by means of notices posted in the departments containing qualified candidates and <br />in the office of the executive director of persORRel s^^^^es human resources. <br />Sec. 9-38. - Conducting. <br />The executive director of peFsennel GeFY1Ges human resources shall determine <br />the manner and methods and by whom examinations are to be administered. No <br />person shall be permitted to take an examination unless an application has been <br />submitted in accordance with the terms of the public notice for the particular <br />position. <br />Sec. 9-39. - Qualification appraisal. <br />In examinations where the executive director of personnel seariises human <br />resources considers it appropriate, education, experience and personal <br />qualifications of the candidates shall be evaluated on the basis of interviews <br />conducted by a board composed of persons known to be interested in the <br />improvement of public administration and in the selection of efficient personnel <br />according to merit system principles. In classifications requiring technical <br />knowledge, at least one (1) of the members of the board shall be familiar with the <br />technical aspects of the work in the classification for which the applicant will be <br />examined. The board mentioned in this section shall consist of at least two (2) <br />persons. <br />Each member of the board will submit a report in writing on forms supplied by <br />the executive director of persenael GGP1ises human resources, and these reports <br />will be made available to the appointing authority for those candidates who have <br />been certified as eligible for appointment. The boards described in this section will <br />be known as qualification appraisal boards. <br />Sec. 9-40. - Rating. <br />The minimum grade or standard determining eligibility shall be based upon all <br />factors in the examination, including educational requirements, experience, and <br />other qualifying elements as shown on the application of the candidate or other <br />verified information. Each section of the examination shall be graded <br />independently. Weights of sections shall aggregate to one hundred (100). <br />Veterans' preference and seniority shall not be considered sections. When <br />applicable, veterans' preference and seniority points shall be added to the general <br />average, and the resulting sum shall be used in determining the order or band in <br />which the name of the candidate shall appear on the eligible list. Failure in one (1) <br />section may be grounds for declaring the applicant as having failed in the entire <br />examination and as disqualifying for subsequent parts of an examination as shall <br />Ordinance No. NS -XXX <br />Page 7 of 16 <br />' • <br />y <br />