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We will prepare a report presenting the results of field exploration, geoteohnical laboratory testing, and enginaering <br />analyses, as well as conclusions and recommendations relative to the project <br />Dolivsvablest Draft Pavement and Sot/ Matarle/ Repod, Most Pavement Report and Solt Matiadal.Report. <br />Task 4: Survey. (options A and.e)... ........................ ..... <br />......, „ <br />The KlmlayoHorn team will provide aerial mapping with supplemental ground surveys at a scale of 1" - 20' with 50 feet <br />Interval cross :sections aiong,strests as wall as the project area for pump stations, This encompasses survey record <br />collection; establishment of horizontal and vertical controls; monument and centerline Its preservation; and establishment <br />of tampdrary benchmarks. Existing features such as utility covers, pavement limits, prlgats properly improvamania, curb <br />ramps, driveways, curb andgutters, sidewalks, street lights and poles, and frafflc sights end striping will be surveyed <br />where noodled for the proposed design and added to the base mep% ExtsUng rlghtrof way will be input per readily <br />evaRable records. <br />Defiverables. Micmtstlon Vill Files of lbpographlasurvey, XML Paint His, .D rm of ex100 surface foatures. <br />Task 5, Nydraulir/MydrologyAnalysis Option B) <br />Cur team will prepare a Drainage Report to address hydrology and hydraulics for the site perOrange County <br />Hydrology Manual and Lounge County Local Drainage Manual requirements and:wlll provide design recommendations. <br />Modifications are Intended to maintain existing drainage patterns and flows, Calculations will consist of comparing the <br />pre- and post -project conditions at the site. Catch basins will be incorporated into design, where necessary, Le, to limit <br />flooded width, and at low points. <br />Deliverables, Draft hydrology and hydraulic analysis and drainage report, Final hydrology and hydraulic analysis and <br />drainage report. <br />Task G; Water Quality (Options A and B) <br />KimleyHorn will develop a WQMP forte project In compliance with, and meeting the requirements of Order No. <br />R8.2009•00301NPDES No. CAS618030, of the Santa.Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board. The WQMP will <br />Incorporate low Impact development best management practices to the maximum extent practical. For example, the use <br />of bloretention facilities within landscaped parkway areas will be In accordance with the United States Environmental <br />Protection Agency (green Street standards. If proprietary items are needed, these will be Indicated In compliance with the <br />City's adopted public contracting code, <br />Deliverables: Draft WQMP, FinalWQMP, <br />Task 7., Envfronmentat Studies (options A and B) <br />.............. <br />Kimiay-Horn Scope of Servtoas assumes that an Initial Study leading to a Mitigated Negative Declaration (I81 MND) is <br />the appropriate CEQA documentation for the proposed project. The IS will provide the necessary background. Each of <br />the topics contained in the Environmental Checklist will be evaluated to document the nature end extent of any potential <br />environmental consequences and the need for mitigation. During the preparation of the IS should it be determined that <br />the project could have significant impacts that cannot be fully mitigated, we will work with the City to Identify modifications <br />to the project that could reduce anticipated impacts. Using the City's Initial Study Checklist, Klmley-Horn will respond to <br />each checklist question, The analysis will use the following technical studies and data prepared by our team: Traffic Impact <br />Study, Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study, Noise Study, Utilities/ Infrastructure, Gootechnical Study, Drainage, Concept <br />WQMP, and a Phase I Environmental $ita Assessment. All other environmental topics would be studied qualitatively. <br />Defivorablesr Initial Study leading to a Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND). <br />Kimley*Horn <br />1e M0077026.171 any of &ants Ana <br />25E-31 <br />