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' • : ♦ e "IIIr <br />Dr. Amir tahavibazoo Is the Senior Pavement Engineer at Twining, Ino; He diroots and works on <br />pavement design, highway design, and engineering spaeiticat(ons. Iguring hIs graduate study, Amir <br />obtained extensive knowledge and expertise ort Pavement Manegement.SysteMs (MloroPavpr), <br />PaVomont Evafuetion and Pavement Rehabiiltaflon Strategies. He is on OX art In calculating Pavement <br />Condition Index (100) througMa <br />h visual inspection following the United ted Army Corps of Engineers' <br />methodology,, as well as conducting life Cycle Gast Analysis (LOCA) rehabilitation strategies for <br />pavements. Amir has extensive practical experience in asphalt pavement engineering including <br />pavement design; rehabllltation, preservation, pavement management, materials, and construction. His <br />experience includss.the characterization of rubberized asphalt binders and developing mix designs <br />following Suporpave specifications. He works closely with cities and government agencies to develop <br />unique and specialized mix designs, pavement constructions inspections, and pavement design <br />solutions. <br />Overview <br />In the Industry since 2014 <br />Joined Twining In 2014 <br />Education <br />Ph,Q. In Civil and Environmental Engineering <br />North Dakota State University <br />Master of Solana In Railways Engineering <br />Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran <br />Project;Experience Summaries <br />City of Huntington Beach, Nichols Lane Rehabilitation Twining.performed inspection and <br />material testing on this project. Amir served as project manager to assure tine quality of the job <br />that was being delivered to the City. He oversaw the material sampling and testing and provided <br />technical oomments to the City. He. was also responsible for developing Cement -treated soil mix <br />design for the City. <br />City of Claremont, Foothill Boulevard Improvement Twining performed pavement evaluation <br />on approximately four lane miles of Foothill Boulevard in the City of Claremont to recommend <br />repair and rehabilitation strategies for the pavement, Amir served as senior pavement engineer, <br />coordinating the required testing and preparation of the final recommendation and design. <br />several alternative options were provided to the City, Including mill and overlay, Cold InAace <br />recycling, reconstruction, and soil stabillzation. <br />a Pavement Evaluation & Repair Recommendations at Various Parks Twining performed <br />network level pavement evaluation on approximately 20 lane miles of road in various parks of <br />Forest Lawn In Southern California to develop a 5 -year plan for rehabilitation of the road network. <br />Amirwas the lead Pavement Engineer on this project, coordinating all required surface evaluation <br />tasks, data collection, and preparation of the final report. <br />City of EI Monte, Ramona Boulevard Resurfacing Pavement Evaluation This project <br />consisted of repairing the PS&E and related construction documents for the 2014.2015 STP -L <br />Ramona Boulevard Street Resurfacing project. Twining performed geoteohnicai pavement <br />swat Afinns rand rrAhAhIlltatlnn rannnimanrlatinnR for thio nrniart Amir ewrvArt as the navpmAnt <br />25E-70 <br />