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CIt of5antaAna <br />Los Alamitos Boulevard Median Improvements, City of Los Alamitos, California. Project Manager re. <br />sponslble for overall project management and oversight required for the improvements between Cerritos <br />I Avenue and Kateds. Avenue. Performance of these responsibilities required expertise and knowledge In <br />street improvement, pavement rahabilitatlon, public outreach, signing and striping, street lights, and planting <br />i and irrigation, Improvements Involved raised median, pavement delineation, landscape and Irrigation im- <br />provements, street lighting and traffic signal improvements at Intersections with <br />Florlsta Street and Sausalito Street. There was minor traffic signal modification at intersections with Katelia <br />Avenue and Cerritos Avenue. <br />Placentia MetroLlnk Station Phase I and 11, Orange County Transportation Authority, Orange County, <br />California. Project Manager responsible for providing and overseeing all civil Improvement design required <br />for Infrastructure Improvements for the new station, The project site Involved approximately 4.75 acres to <br />provide a Metrolink commuter rail station that meets current and future transit demand and ADA require- <br />ments. The project goal fostered train ridership growth in the region. The station was planned as part of a <br />key component of transit -oriented development envisioned In the Westgate Specific Plan for the City of pis. <br />cantle. The project Improvements Included street, railroad track, and pedestrian Improvements; rail plat- <br />forms; and lighting, signing and striping of four parking facilities for 425 vehlclas, <br />gowns Street Widening, City of Rldgecrest, California. Civil Engineering Task Leader responsible for <br />providing and overseeing all civil improvement design required for the widening Improvements. Perfor- <br />mance of these responsibilities required expertise and knowledge In alternative pavement design, bene• <br />fittcost analysis, right-of-way engineering, street design, and utility coordination. The project includes envi. <br />! ronmental compliance, right-of-way research, and design. The project limits are Upjohn Avenue and Ridge - <br />crest Boulevard. Improvements include street widening and new curb, gutter, curb ramps, and sidewalks. <br />The preliminary engineering services Include utility research, right-of-way research, field Investigations, sails <br />testing, and ground survey. <br />Street Improvements Phase 11, City of Los Alamitos, California. Project Manager responsible for overall <br />project management and oversight required for resurfacing of the following projects in the Phase II city-wide <br />program: <br />a Vla EI Mercado Street Improvements <br />Old Town West Improvements (Chestnut Street, Walnut Street, Florists Street) <br />i - Commercial Street Improvements (Cerritos Avenue, Bali Road, Reagan Street, Humboldt Street, Portal <br />Drive, Winners Circle, Los Alamitos Boulevard, Los Vaqueros Circle) <br />� I <br />Performance of these responsibilities required expertise and knowledge in pavement rehabilitation strate- <br />gies, ADA standards, and signing and striping. Willdan conducted site reconnaissance to observe the pave• <br />ment condition, conducted coring, testing and engineering analysis and summarized the findings In a ge- <br />otechnical report. Per the recommendation, the Clty streets within the project limits were ground and resur- <br />faced with 2 -Inch thick asphalt -rubber hot mix or removed and replaced with asphalt concrete over aggre- <br />gate base or with joint plain cement concrete. All manhole, water valve, anode, and monitoring well covers <br />within the projeot limits were adjusted to grade. Curbs and driveways were protected in place, Sidewalks <br />J were Improved and ramps were Improved to current ADA requirements. <br />Proposal for On -Call Engineering, <br />i a� Comhrehenslve. Innovative.9lt!stad. RFP No, 17-083 <br />I,I <br />