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keeping comprehensive medical records <br />that adequately explain and support the <br />need for the services provided. We realize <br />the sensitive nature of this information and <br />are committed to maintaining its confidenti- <br />ality. Consistent with HIPAA and with the <br />California Confidentiality of Medical Infor- <br />mation Act (CMIA), we do not use, disclose <br />or discuss patient -specific information with <br />others unless It is necessary to serve the patient or required by law. <br />CARE colleagues must never use or disclose confidential information that vi- <br />olates the privacy rights of our patients. In accordance with our appropriate <br />access and privacy policies and procedures, which reflect HIPAA and CMIA <br />requirements, no CARE colleague, affiliated healthcare providers, or other <br />healthcare partner has a right to any patient information other than that nec- <br />essary to perform his or her job. Subject only to emergency exceptions, pa- <br />tients can expect their privacy will be protected and patient specific infor- <br />mation will be released only to persons authorized by law or by the patient's <br />written authorization. <br />Healthcare Providers Working for CARE <br />As set forth In our Fundamental Commitments, CARE Is committed to provid- <br />ing a work environment for paramedics, emergency medical technicians, <br />nurses, and other licensed or credentlaled providers who provide medical <br />care on behalf of CARE that Is excellent in all respects. We encourage mem- <br />hers of our medical staff to <br />be familiar with this Code of <br />Conduct. There are many <br />portions of this Code of Con- <br />duct that pertain to ethical <br />or legal obligations of medi- <br />cal providers, and this docu- <br />ment Is likely to be a helpful <br />summary of those obliga- <br />tions for our medical staff <br />members. <br />