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Interactions with Hospitals, Physicians, and Either Potential Referral Sources <br />Federal and state laws and regulations govern CARE's <br />relationship with hospitals, physicians, and any other <br />individuals or entities who may refer patients to CARE. <br />The applicable Federal laws include the Anti -Kickback <br />Law and the Stark Law (applicable to physicians refer- <br />rals). Any payment that can be considered a kickback Is <br />prohibited. Additional Information about these laws Is <br />set forth in the CARE Compliance Policies and Proce- <br />dures. <br />It is important that those CARE colleagues who interact <br />with hospitals, physicians, and other potential referral sources are aware of <br />the requirements of the laws, regulations, and policies that address relation- <br />ships between CARE and potential referral sources. <br />If relationships with hospitals, physicians, and other potential referral <br />sources are properly structured, but not diligently administered, failure to ad- <br />minister the arrangements as agreed may result in violations of the law. Any <br />arrangement with a hospital, physician, or other potential referral source <br />must be structured to ensure compliance with legal requirements, our poli- <br />cies and procedures, and with any operational guidance that has been Is- <br />sued. Most arrangements must be in writing and approved by CARE`s CEO. <br />Failure to meet all requirements of these laws and regulations can result in <br />serious consequences for CARE. For more information, see the CARE Com- <br />pliance Policies and Procedures. <br />Keeping in mind that it is essential to be familiar with the laws, regulations, <br />and policies that govern CARE's interactions with physicians and other poten- <br />tial referral sources, two overarching principles govern our interactions with <br />all potential referral sources: <br />CARE does not pay for referrals. We accept patient referrals and ad. <br />missions based solely on the patient's medical needs and our ability <br />to render the needed services. We do not pay or offer to pay anyone— <br />colleagues, physicians, or other persons or entities --for referral of pa- <br />tients. <br />• CARE does not accept payments for any referrals we make. No CARE <br />10 <br />