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-CARE colleagues shall comply with CARE's security policies governing use of <br />Information systems. Only assigned user IN and passwords shall be used. <br />Passwords shall never be shared or disclosed. Colleagues shall never use <br />toots or techniques to break or exploit CARE Information security measures, <br />or those used by other companies or Individuals. CARE information systems <br />shall not be used to access inappropriate or prohibited websites. <br />CARE has established and maintains a high standard of accuracy and com- <br />pleteness in documenting, maintaining and reporting financial information. <br />This information serves as a basis for managing our business and is Im- <br />portant in meeting our obligations to patients, colleagues, suppliers, and oth- <br />ers. It Is also necessary for compliance with tax and finan- <br />cial reporting requirements.. <br />All financial information must reflect actual transactions <br />and conform to generally -accepted accounting principles. <br />All funds or assets must be properly recorded In the books <br />and records of CARE. The organization maintains a system <br />of internal controls to provide reasonable assurances that <br />all transactions are executed in accordance with manage- <br />ment's authorization and are recorded in a proper manner <br />so as to maintain accountability of the organization's as- <br />sets. <br />To know <br />What is <br />l ight and <br />not to do it <br />is the Worst <br />cowardice. <br />Confucius <br />Anyone having concerns regarding questionable account- <br />ing or auditing matters should report such matters to by calling the CARE <br />Ethics Cine (79.4288-3958) or calling the CARE Compliance Officer. <br />Workplace Conduct and Employment Practices <br />Conflict of Interest <br />A conflict of interest may occur if a CARE colleague's outside activities, per- <br />sonal financial interests, or other personal interests influence or appear to <br />Influence his or her ability to make objective decisions In the course of the <br />colleague's job responsibilities. A conflict of Interest may also exist If the de- <br />mands of any outside activities hinder or distract a colleague from the perfor- <br />mance of his or her job or cause the Individual to use CARE resources for oth- <br />1121 <br />