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er than CARE purposes. CARE colleagues are obligated to ensure they remain <br />free of conflicts of interest in the performance of their responsibilities at <br />CARE. <br />In particular, clinical decisions will be made without regard to compensation <br />or financial risk to CARE leaders, managers, clini- <br />cal staff, or licensed, Independent practitioners. <br />If any CARE colleague has any question about <br />whether an outside activity or personal Interest <br />might constitute a conflict of Interest, he or she <br />must obtain the written approval of his or her su- <br />pervisor before pursuing the activity or obtaining <br />or retaining the interest. <br />Storing and dispensing Controlled Substances <br />Some CARE colleagues routinely have access to prescription drugs, con- <br />trolled substances, and other medical supplies. Many of these substances <br />are governed and monitored by specific regulatory organizations and must <br />be administered by physician order only. Prescription and controlled medica- <br />tions and supplies must be handled properly and only by authorized Individu- <br />als to minimize risks to us and to patients. if an individual becomes aware of <br />Inadequate security of drugs or controlled substances or the diversion of <br />drugs from the organization, the incident must be reported immediately. <br />CARE colleagues may only copy and/or use copyrighted materials pursuant <br />to the organization's policy on such matters. <br />Diversity and Equal Employment Opportunity <br />CARE actively promotes diversity in its work- <br />force at all levels of the organization. We are <br />committed to providing an Inclusive work en- <br />vironment where everyone is treated with <br />fairness, dignity, and respect. We will make <br />y ourselves accountable to one another for the <br />manner in which we treat one another and <br />17 <br />