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man Resources Director, a member of management, the Compliance Officer, <br />ortheEthics Line (714-288-3958) . <br />Health and Safety <br />All CARE facilities and vehicles comply with all government regulations and <br />rules, CARE policies, and required fa- <br />cility practices that promote the pro- <br />tection of workplace health and safe- <br />ty. Our policies have been developed <br />to protect our colleagues from poten- <br />tial workplace hazards. CARE col- <br />leagues must become familiar with <br />and understand how these policies <br />apply to their speclfic job responsibii- <br />Itles and seek advice from their su- <br />pervisor or other member of man- <br />agement whenever they have a ques- <br />tion or concern. It Is important that each colleague immediately advise his or <br />her supervisor or other member of management of any serious workplace <br />injury or any situation presenting a danger of injury so timely corrective ac- <br />tion may be taken to resolve the issue. <br />CARE does not contract with, employ, or bill for services rendered by an indi- <br />vidual or entity that is excluded or ineligible to participate in Federal <br />healthcare programs; suspended or debarred from Federal government con- <br />tracts; or has been convicted of a criminal offense related to the provision of <br />healthcare items or services and has not been reinstated In a Federal <br />healthcare program after a period of exclusion, suspension, debarment, or <br />ineligibility, provided that we are aware of such criminal offense. <br />We routinely search the department of Health and Human Services" Office of <br />Inspector General and General Services Administration's lists of such exclud- <br />ed and Ineligible persons. The CARE Compliance Policies and Procedures ad- <br />dress the procedures for timely and thorough review of such lists and appro- <br />priate enforcement actions. <br />CARE colleagues, vendors, independent contractors, and health care practi- <br />19 <br />