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tioners who provide services on behalf of CARE are required to report to us if <br />they become excluded, debarred, or ineligible to participate in Federal <br />healthcare programs; or have been convicted of a criminal offense related to <br />the provision of healthcare items or services. <br />CARE colleagues, individuals retained as independent contractors, and <br />health care practitioners In positions which require professional licenses, cer- <br />tifications, or other credentials are responsible for maintaining the current <br />status of their credentials and shall comply at all times with Federal and <br />state requirements applicable to their respective disciplines. To assure com- <br />pliance, CARE requires evidence of the individual having a current license or <br />credential status. For additional information, see the CARE Compliance Poli- <br />cies and Procedures. <br />CARE does not allow any colleague, Independent contractor or privileged <br />practitioner to work without valid, current licenses or credentials. <br />It is the responsibility of each CARE colleague to preserve our organization's <br />assets including time, materials, supplies, equipment, and information. or- <br />ganization assets are to be maintained for business-related purposes. As a <br />general rule, the personal use of any CARE asset without prior supervisory <br />approval Is prohibited. The occasional use of Items, such as copying equip- <br />ment or telephones, where the cost to CARE is Insignificant, Is permissible. <br />Any community or charitable use of organization resources must be ap- <br />proved in advance by one's supervisor. Any use of organization resources for <br />19 <br />