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for all colleagues. New colleagues must receive compliance training within <br />30 days of employment. Compliance training In specific areas of compliance <br />risk (e.g., trilling, coding) Is required of certain individuals. CARE policies out- <br />line the training requirements. <br />Adherence to and support of CARE's Code of Conduct and participation in re- <br />lated activities and training is considered in CARE's decisions regarding hir- <br />Ing, promotion, and compensation for all candidates and colleagues. Compli- <br />ance will be part of each employee's annual performance review. <br />Resources for Guidance and Reporting Concerns <br />To obtain guidance on an ethics or compliance issue or to report a concern, <br />individuals may choose from several options. We encourage the resolution of <br />issues, Including human resources -related issues (e.g., payroll, fair treatment <br />and disciplinary issues) as directly as possible. Colleagues should <br />man resources -related problem soiv- <br />€ng procedure to resolve such issues. <br />It is an expected good practice, when <br />one is comfortable with it and think it <br />appropriate under the circumstances, <br />to raise concerns first with one's su- <br />pervisor. If this is uncomfortable or in- <br />appropriate, the individual may dis- <br />cuss the situation with the Human Re- <br />sources Director or another member <br />of management In the organization. <br />Individuals are always free to contact <br />the Ethics line at (714-288-3958) or the HHS OIG Hotline at (800) OIG "IPS. <br />CARE makes every effort to maintain, within the limits of the law, the confi- <br />dentiality of the identity of any individual who reports concerns or possible <br />misconduct. There is no retribution or discipline for anyone who reports a <br />concern in good faith. Any colleague who deliberately makes a false accusa- <br />tion with the purpose of harming or retaliating against another colleague is <br />subject to discipline. <br />use the hu - <br />CARE is committed to ethical and legal conduct that is compliant with all rel- <br />evant laws and regulations and to correcting wrongdoing wherever it may oc- <br />m <br />