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cur in the organization. Each CARE colleague has an Individual responsibility <br />for reporting any activity by any colleague, physician, subcontractor, or -ven- <br />dor that appears to violate applicable laws, rules, regulations, accreditation <br />standards, standards of Medical practice, Federal healthcare conditions of <br />participation, or this Code. If a matter that poses serious compliance risk to <br />the organization or that involves a serious Issue of medical necessity, clinical <br />outcomes or patient safety Is reported locally, and if the reporting individual <br />doubts that the issue has been given sufficient or appropriate attention, the <br />individual should report the matter to higher levels of management or the <br />Ethics Line until satisfied that the full Importance of the matter has been rec- <br />ognized. There will be no retaliatory disciplinary action taken against an em- <br />ployee who reports any of these concerns to CARE. <br />Internal Investigations of Reports <br />CARE is committed to Investigating all reported concerns promptly and confi- <br />dentially to the extent possible. CARE's Compliance Officer coordinates any <br />findings from CARE -led Investigations and Immediately recommends correc- <br />tive action or changes that need to be made. We expect all colleagues to co- <br />operate with Investigation efforts. For additional information, please see <br />CARE's Ethics and Compliance Policies and Procedures regarding the Inter- <br />nal handling of ethics complaints. <br />Corrective Action <br />Where an internal CARE investigation substantiates a <br />reported violation, it is CARE's policy to initiate correc- <br />tive action, including, as appropriate, making prompt <br />restitution of any overpayment amounts, notifying the <br />appropriate governmental agency, Instituting whatev- <br />er disciplinary action is necessary, and implementing <br />systemic changes to prevent a similar violation from <br />recurring in the future. For additional Information, <br />see CARE's Ethics and Compliance Policies and Pro- <br />cedures. <br />Discipline <br />W�tsll <br />the book 1r <br />wisdom. <br />All violators of the Code will be subject to disciplinary action. The precise dis- <br />cipline utilized will depend on the nature, severity, and frequency of the viola- <br />tion and may result in any or all of the following disciplinary actions, in any <br />31 <br />