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• Set a target date for re-evaluation <br />• Repeat steps 1 -8 <br />• Obtain consensus from participants (QI Committee, CEG and Directors) for <br />sharing results <br />• Identify Authors and associated participants <br />• Draft final publication document <br />• Resubmit to group for final approval <br />• Publish document. <br />Current Indicators: <br />Section III: Evaluation of Svstem Indicators <br />Analvsls <br />Care Ambulance Service uses a monthly trending analysis tool that uses percentages. <br />Each quarter there is an area for summarizing findings, trends Identified, effectiveness <br />of previous actions and corrective actions. The data is gathered by the Manager of <br />QA/QI or OA/Q1 Specialist. The Nurse Manager may also be asked to gather data for <br />the trending tool. <br />Presentation <br />This information will be presented to the Q1 Committee with the trending analysis tools <br />and any raw data twice a year. <br />Trending Tool <br />Flow Chart <br />Line Chart <br />Pie Graph <br />Utilizing the processes outlined in Appendix F of the EMS System Quality Improvement <br />Program Model Guidelines, the QI Committee will meet at least twice a year to evaluate <br />and discuss the data provided by the Manager of QAfQI according to the following <br />agenda: <br />1. Review of prior meeting action items. <br />Z. Presentation of indicators and resultsltrends. <br />a. For each indicator that the committee reviews, the following process will be <br />followed: <br />1. Identify the objectives of the evaluation. <br />11. Present indicators and related EMS information <br />Ill. Compare performance with goals or benchmarks <br />IV. Discuss performance with peers/colleagues <br />V. Determine whether improvement or further evaluation is required. <br />VI. Establish plan based upon decision <br />VII. Assign responsibility for post -decision action plan <br />3. Examine correlations between/among trends. <br />4. Acknowledgement of positive trends; discussion of unsatisfactory trends. <br />Ill <br />