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5. Receive reports from Quality Sub -Committee, if any, <br />6. Discuss changes needed to indicators. <br />7. Recommend the chartering of Quality Sub -Committee, if any. <br />8. Provide Input to the Ql Committee from the Strategic Plan. <br />9. Summarize action items identified at this meeting. <br />10. Recommend trainingleducational needs. <br />11. Evaluation of the meeting. <br />Section IV, Action to Improve <br />A. (Ince a need for improvement in performance has been identified by the TAG, Care <br />Ambulance Service will be utilizing the FOCUS-PDSA model for performance <br />improvement. FOCUS-PDSA involves the following steps: <br />1. Find a process to improve — the TAG will identify improvement needs. <br />2. Organize a team that knows the process — the QI Committee will form QI <br />Sub -Committees) as needed and review process documents. <br />3. Clarify current knowledge of the process — review indicator trends relevant to <br />the process, collect other Information <br />4. Understand causes of process variation utilizing tools such as fishbone <br />diagrams, Pareto analyses, etc. <br />5. Select process improvement to reduce or eliminate cause(s). <br />6. Plan — State objective of the test, make predictions, Develop pian to carry out <br />the test (who, what where, when) <br />7. Do - Carry out the test, document problems and unexpected observations, <br />begin analysis of the data <br />8. Study - Complete the analysis of the data, compare the test data to <br />predictions, and summarize what was learned <br />9. Act - What changes are to be institutionalized? What will be the objective of <br />the next cycle? What, if any, re-education or training Is needed to effect the <br />changes? <br />Once a Performance Improvement Plan has been implemented, the results of <br />the improvement plan will be measured. Changes to the system will be <br />standardized and/or integrated. A plan for monitoring future activities will be <br />established. <br />B. During its Bi -Annual or other meetings, the QI Committee will identify indicators that <br />signal a need for improvement and make recommendations for chartering a QI Sub - <br />Committee, if needed. The QI Committee will select members and charter the Task <br />Force with a specific objective for improvement. Each Task Force will use the <br />FOCUS-PDSA model to conduct improvement planning and prepare <br />recommendations or a report for review by the QI Committee. The QI Committee will <br />modify or accept and implement recommendations of the QI Sub -Committee and <br />prepare the report for distribution to the TAG. The QI Committee will also disband <br />the Quality Task Force at the appropriate time. <br />Notify the Departments and Employees <br />Manager of CWQI will put together a department task force to plan and implement the <br />indicator under review. If the indicator is a clinician documentation improvement issue, <br />12 <br />