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Notification to the Local EMS Agency <br />A copy of the performance commendation will be placed In the employee's personnel <br />file, and a copy given to the recipient. These exceptional performances are inspirational <br />to everyone. They are proof that with a true commitment to quality and excellence, <br />employees will be an example to each other of the high levels of service excellence we <br />.aspire to. <br />Training Managers Responsibility to the 01 Committee <br />Training Manager will report to the QI Committee the topics and attendance of each <br />class. Continuing education Is crucial to ensuring ongoing quality. An increase in <br />knowledge and confidence leads to an increase In the quality and level of care provided. <br />Section VI: Annual Update <br />The Quality Improvement Program will be reviewed on an annual basis, The Manager <br />of QA/QI will obtain feedback and provide a written account of the indicators monitored <br />to the members of the Quality Review Committee, Directors, and the Corporate Board <br />Officers. The Manager of QA/QI will summarize the input from all participants and <br />submit a report to the Corporate Officers and Medical Director. After review of this <br />information, the Corporate Officers and Medical Director wlll make recommendations, <br />The Manager of QA/QI will be responsible for the implementation of any changes. <br />The annual review ensures program effectiveness with the dynamic component to <br />change as needed. This reviewwill also provide direction forthe coming year. <br />The fallowing Trending Analysis sheet will be the template used for the <br />presentation of the Indicator progress to the 01 Committee. <br />19 <br />