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Trendino Analysis far (put in Indicator) <br />AM%** erTreMed QSMS <br />I Ai araeNnkkn- <br />Quality Improvement Program Goals and Obyectives <br />• Recognize, reward, and reinforce positive behavior. <br />• Define standards, evaluate methodologies and utilize the evaluation results for <br />continued system improvement. <br />• Identify important aspects of care that affect patient outcomes and customer <br />satisfaction. <br />• Establish performance standards and indicators related to these aspects of <br />care. <br />• Establish thresholds for evaluation related to the indicators. <br />• Identify methods for data collection. <br />• Organize and collect data. <br />• Recognize, develop and enhance opportunities for improvement based on <br />performance standards and thresholds. <br />• Take action to improve care. <br />• Assess the effectiveness of remedial actions and document improvement. <br />20 <br />