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All taxes and assessments which become due and payable upon the Premises shall be the full responsibility of <br />Sublessor, and Sublessor shall cause said taxes and assessments to be paid prior to the due date. Should <br />Sublessor fail to pay taxes and assessments due upon the Premises prior to the due date, County may pay such <br />amount due and deduct the cost thereof from the rent thereafter payable. <br />26. TOXIC MATERIALS (3.6 S) <br />County hereby warrants and represents that County will comply with all laws and regulations relating to the <br />storage, use and disposal of hydrocarbon substances and hazardous, toxic or radioactive matter, including, but <br />not limited to, those materials identified in Title 26 of the California Code of Regulations (collectively "Toxic <br />Materials"). County shall be responsible for and shall indemnify and hold Sublessor, its officers, directors, <br />employees, agents, and representatives, harmless from and against all claims, costs and liabilities, including <br />attorneys' fees and costs arising out of or in connection with the storage, use, and disposal of Toxic Materials <br />on the Premises by County. If the storage, use, and disposal of Toxic Materials on the Premises by County <br />results in contamination or deterioration of water or soil resulting in a level of contamination greater than <br />maximum allowable levels established by any governmental agency having jurisdiction over such <br />contamination, County shall promptly take any and all action necessary to clean up such contamination. <br />Likewise, Sublessor hereby warrants and represents that Sublessor has in the past and will hereafter comply <br />with all laws and regulations relating to the storage, use and disposal of Toxic Materials. If the previous, <br />current and future storage, use, and disposal of Toxic Materials on the Premises by Sublessor results in <br />contamination or deterioration of water or soil resulting in a level of contamination greater than maximum <br />allowable levels established by any governmental agency having jurisdiction over such contamination (and <br />such violation does not arise out of any acts or omissions of County, its agents, employees or contractors), <br />Sublessor shall promptly take any and all action necessary to clean up such contamination. <br />Notwithstanding the above, no Toxic Materials shall be allowed on the Premises <br />27. SUBORDINATION, ATTORNMENT AND NON -DISTURBANCE (3.7 S) a intentionally omitted <br />28. ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATE (3.8 S) - intentionally omitted <br />29. DEFAULTS AND REMEDIES (3.9 S) <br />County Default: <br />County shall be deemed in default of this Sublease if: a) in the event of any monetary breach of this Sublease <br />by County, Sublessor shall notify County in writing of such breach, and County shall have ten (10) days <br />from such notice in which to cure said breach or b) in the event of any non -monetary breach of this Sublease, <br />County fails within fifteen (15) days after receipt by County of written notice specifying wherein such <br />obligation of County has not been performed; provided however, that if the nature of County's obligation is <br />such that more than fifteen (15) days after such notice are reasonably required for its performance, then <br />County shall not be in breach of this Sublease if performance is commenced as soon as reasonably possible <br />within such fifteen (15) day period and thereafter diligently pursued to completion (each, a "County <br />Default"). <br />Sublessor Default: <br />Sublessor shall be deemed in breach of this Sublease if: a) in the event of any monetary breach of this <br />Sublease by Sublessor, County shall notify Sublessor in writing of such breach, and Sublessor shall have ten <br />ES: 920/I8 Page 6 of 17 <br />SUBLEASE 801 Civic Center <br />