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EXHIBIT 1 <br />from the National Parks Service. District shall not change the use of the Premises without first <br />obtaining the written consent of the City. District shall use its best efforts to use and permit <br />Use of the Premises for purposes permitted by this Section 3.01. <br />Compliance with Laws <br />Section 3.02. District shall, at District's own cost and expense, comply with all statutes, <br />ordinances, regulations and requirements of all governmental entities, both federal and state <br />and county or municipal, including those requiring capital improvements to the Premises or <br />Improvements, relating to any use and occupancy of the Premises (and specifically not limited <br />to any particular use or occupancy by District), whether those statutes, ordinance, regulations, <br />and requirements are now in force or are subsequently enacted. If any license, permit or other <br />governmental authorization is required for lawful use or occupancy of the Premises or any <br />portion of the Premises, District shall procure and maintain it throughout the term of this lease. <br />To the extent that the City itself is the entity issuing such licenses, permits or other <br />authorizations, the City agrees to work in good faith with the District to issue those permits as <br />promptly as possible pursuant to the City's usual and customary practices and procedures for <br />issuance of such licenses, permits, or authorizations, compliance with the Municipal Code, City <br />Charter and applicable laws. The judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, or the <br />admission by District in a proceeding brought against District by any government entity, that <br />District has violated any such statute, ordinance, regulation or requirement shall be conclusive <br />as between City and District and shall constitute grounds for termination of this lease by City. <br />Prohibited Use <br />Section 3.03. District shall not use or permit the Premises or any portion of the <br />Premises to be improved, developed, used or occupied in any manner or for any purpose that is <br />in any way in violation of the deed restrictions on the Premises (unless or until they are <br />removed), any valid law, ordinance, or regulation of any federal, state, county or local <br />governmental agency, body, or entity. District shall not make improvements unless said <br />improvements are set forth herein this lease or agreed upon in writing by the parties prior to <br />District beginning improvements. Furthermore, District shall not maintain, commit, or permit <br />the maintenance or commission of any nuisance as now or hereafter defined by any statutory <br />or decisional law applicable to the Premises or any part of the Premises. <br />ARTICLE 4: TAXES AND UTILITIES <br />District to Pay Taxes <br />Section 4.01. To the extent that there are any, District shall pay during the term of this <br />lease, without abatement, deduction, or offset, any and all real and personal property taxes, <br />general and special assessments, and other charges (including any increase caused by a change <br />in the tax rate or by a change in assessed valuation) of any description levied or assessed during <br />#iznazVz <br />75B-7 <br />