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A-2019-234 <br />12. GENERAL PROVISIONS <br />a. This Ag1Tv,1ncnl is made wid t:nt4rmd into in tlae Stmc of California and shall, in all <br />res,prcla, be interpretcd, enforced and governed under the laws of that Sta€e. 'Else latgurige of all <br />paarts of this Agreemz l skill in all cases: he construed as a whole, accarc irg to its fair mcfiaiinr. <br />ar:d n« t striclly for or ug;timt any ofthc Uartie•s. <br />b. Except as set lbrih h,:c1n, caclt n my sltail hear the r own cc7sts and attortreyc' <br />fees in comi-Ctictt wiur i#ic Civil Action, the aicgouabon of this Afire mom or otherwise. <br />W. In the evrni ?hat any Party to this Agreement institutes any action or paxecding to <br />entrtree this ,Agmv Went, any of tlac p-mvrs:or ; or tmis of this Agrecmrnl Of lbf a ;l=laration o <br />rights pertain eng to this, Agi-minent, the prevailir,r Party to afat action of prmccdtag xhall he <br />entitled to ra ctrvrr the .tllonieyx' rocs utid costs (inrludin2, but not Cat cited tai, CKPIOrt u.tncsa Fees, <br />costs and etipcnscs) aclun ly incurred by hrt, hint nr it it: thnl action or »rise. rdittg. <br />d. Should ally provision, part, or terrn of this Agreernent be des,lamd or determined <br />by a court of s nrnPctrnt.jurisdi lion to be illegal, invalid or untertrtrrccable, the legality, validity <br />and enfarceability of the remaining provision,.;, parts or tettt7s shall not be aftectr.+tl thereby, and <br />the illegal, invalid or une?ttitrc :ahie pmwisioo, part or tenor shall be deemed not to lie part of this <br />Agrctnatent. <br />C. This Agrrcmierl: contains the complete. entire•, and Iliac aSrccmcm 4n.,krrn [lie <br />s' erties relating to its su.Dject matim Any oral ref>resc•ntation or rncdtification concCmiing this <br />Agreement OaH be of no force or etlect Tim Agreement pray be modified only by a writing. <br />siEned by the barrio,. <br />f All notic-x required herein ar any other eut7csltundenan prrtaining u this <br />Ag enicrat shall be em by regular, a rtitied, of ovenra•,gbi mail or email Transmission as follows: <br />For [fit 0tv <br />Irma Kodriguer %loma; Esq. <br />A kinson. Andclsurt, L.nyfa, .Ruud &Rog -to APC <br />lZ800 Canter ('court Drive Staudt. Suite 100 <br />I-Crritos. CA 90?03-93G4 <br />Etc ais.a.+ii:eia] <br />boor Plaintiffs <br />Lltvrrct?cc .1' S_ennctviare,t, 1�.;:q. <br />Law Or1icc: of Lawrence J. I_ennernann <br />2530 Via Tejon, Suite %A <br />Poles Vercivs Estates, CA 9027.4 <br />Ic=nrcmunnYiatl.nct <br />b. This is a5 biradirf; sclticment µe:stt -t,i Pursuant to f.Miror^tia 1:vidt'ticc C`.crde <br />Sccukin [ 123 :snci its equivalant under federal law. pursuasii 10 Caiirot7iia Code of Civil <br />Procceure § tib ti, the Parties requc at 211:1 ngrec that die Superior Court ere the State uric F firrnia <br />t i.Y - (mill -aped T' t" •6, .tint F;am s Inhaled 'Y " lacn Franks - [•metaled <br />!Pi;f3e =1e.1 c <br />i5r' S t NA 1 <br />