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A-2019-234 <br />nr3ohls I ranks carrc:s s il/er< riztla,Jt"rcWoc.ati(r11 du.*1rK the scWD-day revocation gr ri,A neit ser <br />tile City nor Fia&mlTfs will have any Ohl+t> is+ll, under this Agreement, Nothing 7n this <br />hgreen-Writ Pr. vellis or precludes Pirsintifis from ctlaldengilag m sc€Isirlg a dcjc.,-Mina;ion in good <br />t-ail"3 of the validity of this W-,,ivu under the ADEA, nor does it irnpow any condition precidvmt, <br />Penalties, or casts 1'iont Cluing so, unless slreci.iiCally autl orme_d by tedwaf hnv. <br />6. MUTUAL COVF�NAIXTNOT TO SUE <br />H. Plaintiffs ag-rr, promise lrpd coYenanr that nectl= they, 17c1r cloy }>ersctn, <br />urganizatfo s or° aeun;g rni their behalf, wilt tine eh a:gc, cl .im, sue or cause or7ernta to be <br />fded, chargcvi or claemrd an acti r, for damages or other relief (includingin}unctlYc, a.lvtlaratv�ry, <br />rraa.scsary rennet ur other} agamst the City Relcaset: or any of them covered by the releases ill <br />Paragmphs 2; and 3 zbove, involving anymauu occurring 11 tlxe cast up to the ria;r. ofthis <br />Aylre.elnt;nt or involving any c ontinuia7g, ell" s of vctiarels or practices lhat arose rHor so the alai: <br />of ihis r1g1'eerient ur ,lsvxslr>ing and based uiw)n any clxit:is, ilcrimnds, causes of acutin, <br />obligawniq, e'ninagcs (.it liabiliti:s. <br />h. The ( sty argreec, promiws and cov ep,auits that neither it, nor any peon, <br />oreumiration or entily acting Of' 'is be.hail 1-iil lino, charhe, claim„ We or cause of pc:r nit to he <br />€s6d ehug2eit or claimed, an action for d mmgcs orother relief (inclining utjunctive. doelgratory, <br />nunctaru refirr or oth-jr) aguins'7 the ilairoif(s 1( eil.wex or r.ny of there covered by the rdotssrts <br />in Par<vv.apls 2 and 3 alicrve, kivonving any matter wcurring in the. ]Bast, up lu the date or this <br />gtrCrner. ur in%q&j17g any Continuing ctiea;ts of ileijons. Or om iees that a1ew. . prior to the date <br />of this Agreen-miL or hverf jvinf* and tlxi x upon any claims, desnands, causos of aetif9jj, <br />obligations, damages or liabi lilies. <br />7. 10 o THEIR FILINGS <br />Plawrnffi, i'eprtsem and JgMe• LVbEr didn titc Cavil A{lion, wlnrGh is being <br />desmiss Kl in tl.-i muroy vcridt prejudice as €sari s,f t:ajs j%, rCCm, nl_ Illaantiffs [.ave nett Filed or <br />>;muscd m he filed a.ny othercomplaints, ch rtees, allPtlrations or claims ngainsi an} of lltc City <br />ki cases With any feti d, shalt or fedl-ran aj eno,', cold rt or Other hixly; Mat they Wtfl not file Or <br />t:iause to be filed any such eolreltfaint, ehargcc, application or rlailn ai any tanlse hereafter <br />Iti ardln.:: a[Y nes released herein; mid thee€ 1f any i:..trrlplatni, c'lizrge, appjiCatioil Oa Claim <br />is tired against imy of the t. iiy Rvlea-wvs, en behalf of or with respect to Plaintiffs, Plaintiffs <br />wont ,,yzlest such agency, court or othicr body to withdraw from the maiter w tin <br />\tlllug li tl'Yiti Patr3lfJ apl7 is [n1eEte:t(tC[end n ltJsi rlhL p:udice.. <br />Saim ttr or jaw, cannot <br />ne waived. <br />hl: Cov fl pit:' e17 rk 3tid agrees, Ihat, it h:eS 110t riled Or caused tU be Med iiriy <br />othea Lorlipjallus! c.bts,P-cs, apPls( aiaons rs+ clraims against any of the Platrtal Release s %Oth <br />ar v lGral, SWAY CIT fedclal ig-trsey, court or lather LWrtdv; that It will nor file "W (::ruse to lee filed <br />ary such e.m;7pl int.. Charge, applieatinn OF cfainl at any lithe hereafter leguding ar,y claims <br />released heS l7 Sild'llial of lib' taUnp1351 1l h>rgc. at711licaliot or c6ini is tiled against any of <br />the Plaintiffs Mtic-111so.s, on behalf of tar with tesfieet to the City, the Est} will reque; <br />it sucb <br />r.itt• lnitialed La-ura 6rdttt:.a . Jimmied CJ� Jchn Franks . ltnl,aiv�' <br />ceEassau a Tare e'i of a <br />iA 11 4j <br />