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A-2019-234 <br />s Ency. Court or other body to withdrawn from the invlicr with prejudice. Nothing in ]his <br />Paragraph is intended to extvnd to those rights that. a. a mattcrof tau, cannot be Aaive-L1, <br />S. INQUIRIES FRO—sl POTltATUL YMPLOYE:RS <br />a The City hssreby de ignites Ftcvct Pharr. the Human Rrsowces Fx,iutive <br />Dircetor, telclihnnc. narnbcr g71.3i 647-5140 a. 111 : r ity' representative Kha, if eontact�r,I by u <br />prospectivc cl'iplcsyrr of Plaintiffs. will prt:nidc a ncnrak refC'rcncc concerniitw Plairlttfl's, <br />consisting ontp ctt ccnflinling alaintifW dates of cinployinrnt, position, and conpersmior, if <br />t [�L4Ific.11y 3iketil },l `}- Y ph)'PM(ivc i'1110(iyeT, I'Wilti fs shall drreCt any' }lt QSpeti,tiVe <br />tnpiirycr ,U Stevrn Phan, The City shall direct any and all inquiries made by as Prospective <br />employer votimming Plaintiffs to Steven Phalm <br />n. WAIVER OF RE:-E-NIPT-01f MENT RIGII'CS <br />a. Plailutlis a rec and res m liru that rhey wil! not knowingly apply fOr at UUh .r+vi>o <br />seek re-emplovnlrnl art"r the C`ptv..irid ih t the Pius has no ohrtgat !tn, contract4t.,l or othcrxicc, <br />to re hire;, rc-employ. recall., reinstate Ur bile Plaintiff;, in 111e future. I'laiesiifis further agree i.hal <br />yhnuld they knowingly apply for :a Position widi or by hired by [h,. City in the future, iteis <br />Paragraph or the AErcetttent is snillcielit l gall grounds kit denying e'inpioytnent andior <br />lerinihation of ernpHOytitient. <br />10, C()\F117 NTIAf_.MT AND NON—DISeARAt:i:M N'T <br />a. The Parties agree to keep the term, and fact of this Agre rnerlt compleaely <br />con] dcritial to the ItiIlest ctt(int Possible under Elie lay,. However. the Parii,s acknowledgr that <br />tilt OW is subject 10 She Cahfiernia public Ree-aras Act (" " RA") mitt thus dos iAfn=n nt <br />co lsv,iiutci d p bfic record Pfa',)Tic that is a6'11•91411y mquired io, be disclosed upltn Ecque Si. <br />Panics uild •rstand and agr a tharl any required disclosure. by Ertl: City under iho C71 A shall n" <br />tic deemed 10 be a ?reach of the Agreement h, the € ity. The Panics and altolnrua 41grU <br />that then will nor, vultirrtarily teleasc this rit,t 01wrtt ro Ihird partim or to aflLerwizc dtsi:to a its <br />conrcPt$ yinblidy L'lcept [miler the fCrll<l%vinb ircurnma act"$: (a) the Orly Euceiveti a rerHlirC- i and <br />dslrrtranes it is by low to rcli-sse t1!e s10k'lmeln to dre person or entity submitting the <br />request: llih ',,rn_v Party is t4^q njmd to disclose she Agreerrtcm pursuarst to a subpmcua isquetl by it <br />iotnpcirnl a Jiu ity or an order issued by a court or tribunal of competent turisdiclavn; t;r (e} the <br />C. ily detct-mires ditto dlsclosuiv: is reces.M-y f0i the City to deft nd itself 'Ili s judicial acute) u <br />administt'utive proceeding (Cutter internal of v.—mcmal)Othcr than the foregoing obligations <br />under the C R-A. the Parties lniav respond a, any h7;lutry inR,e, !h4 sivtus tat' the Civil Action or this; <br />iliz le%e'71rL9r11. with K'"L1rCt4 fYx tilt= efttet ilint the [Bolter nits been 1'Clsolved to: the mutual sat sfLvli In of <br />the Panics. The panics agrc:^ that hquidi;tid dwirri� ies iii the :Fmoknit o1 jt..(K)n,llf.1 will Yea'lllt ill <br />tiny breach 14this proviiia 1. <br />b. Plaintiffs a ad City Roleasces agree that. alto ceecutiun vF this Agreentcnt. they <br />[sill not, in d plublie sc.ning pust publish or vxpresi any eorrim-ent, view or opinion. erully or in <br />lyrrtmg.. which criticizes, derog€lles, or dispsragcs the alher ptuty or any of their renresemativc <br />or S., elus, rn ariv mmmier., How -ever, this Sciainn &ws m{ t preclude anyona front providirity swol'n <br />V. iy - hiitncaedK—Liurd 1-rinks uitwud airl'n'Yanss - 3iuiralr <br />P*e of <br />240SM.l <br />